before guessing on the causes I would look for a pattern in those missing calls (time of day, day of week, source, destination, malformed messages etc.)
Also you might like to consider openser with siptrace module.
Just my 0.34 cents.
Good Luck
-----Original Message-----
From: serusers-bounces@lists.iptel.org [mailto:serusers-bounces@lists.iptel.org]On Behalf Of Darren Sessions
Sent: Freitag, 18. August 2006 18:08
To: serusers@lists.iptel.org
Cc: George Law; James Bailey
Subject: [Serusers] SER / Missing call records



We’re experiencing a problem with missing call records. There is nothing in the log files that indicate a problem either with SER or our database server and likewise there is nothing in the database server’s logs to indicate a problem. System loads are within reason on both servers, network connectivity has been tested and verified, and a through hardware shakedown on both boxes has been completed without any errors.


We first noticed this problem when our underlying vendor’s bill (based on minutes of course) did not correspond with our own. Upon doing a CDR comparison (based on what was in both the acc and calls tables), we were able to verify that the calls in dispute were indeed ours (based on the sip call-id’s IP addresses).


We’re processing roughly 1.4 million calls per day on this SER server in question. Out of those calls, 508 calls (give or take a couple hundred) with a total duration of over 5,300 minutes - can not be accounted for in any of the SER database tables.


We’re running 0.9.5-pre1 with Suse Enterprise Server 9.0 (2.6.11 Kernel). Server is an HP DL380 with dual 3.2GHz processors with 6GB physical ram (only 1.4GB in use system wide); disk space is not an issue as well (only 10% in use).


We’ve scoured the mailing lists and change logs for any hint of an issue similar to ours without any results. The closest we’ve been able to come that’s anywhere near along the lines of our issue in any way that made any sense were these posts:






At this point, we’re not sure if this issue has something to do with the FIFO and SER making bulk dump uploads with call data to the database, or some other issue along those lines – or if this is a new issue all together.


Any help would be greatly appreciated.




- Darren







Fifo settings:







Here are our module specific parameters:


# -- timers --

modparam("tm", "wt_timer", 10)

modparam("tm", "retr_timer1p1", 2)


# -- usrloc params --

modparam("usrloc", "db_mode", 2)


# -- database URL --



# -- auth params --

modparam("auth_db", "calculate_ha1", yes)

modparam("auth_db", "password_column", "password")



# -- rr params --

modparam("rr", "enable_full_lr", 1)


# -- Nathelper --

modparam("registrar", "nat_flag", 6)

modparam("nathelper", "natping_interval", 10)

modparam("nathelper", "ping_nated_only", 1)

modparam("nathelper", "rtpproxy_disable", 1)


# -- acc params --

modparam("acc", "db_flag", 3)