Let's see if ASCII works.....

INVITE service
...............................|.........INVITE service1
...............................|........................................................INVITE service2
<-----------------200 OK------------------------------------

SER has forked to service1 and service2, should't it send a CANCEL TO service 2 open receiving 200 OK from service1?

2007/6/22, Greger V. Teigre <greger@teigre.com>:
Maybe you can describe in a bit more detail the situation where SER is supposed to CANCEL the other branches, but does not?

samuel wrote:
Hi all,

Just a question about transaction matching in SER 0.9.7:

In a forked request, SER receives a reply with a ;received=IP parameter after the branch parameter in the Via header and I don't know if this can affect parallel forking because it does not CANCEL the other branches....


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