Hi all,
Unless somebody objects, I assume the responsibility as coordinator of the voting on the technical board.
Voting on candidates for the technical board of iptel.org is now open and will be open the next seven days. The rules governing the voting can be found at http://www.iptel.org/technicalboard/rules. A summary/howto can be found below.
Where to send your vote =================== To make a public vote: send an email to one or more of the iptel.org lists seruser@iptel.rog, serdev@iptel.org, semsdev@iptel.org
To make a secret vote: send an email to the coordinator at greger@iptel.org
How to vote =========== The candidates can be found at http://www.iptel.org/nominations_and_voting_technical_board_2007. We have a total of eight candidates.
Send an email with subject line "Vote: Technical Board" listing 1-5 people from the candidate list that you want on the iptel.org technical board. Each name listed in your email will give one vote to that person.
Please note: * The board has an assigned seat for a SEMS representative and there are two candidates from SEMS (marked on the list of candidates). The SEMS seat will be assigned to the candidate with the highest number of votes counting only these two. * Two members of the board must have SER CVS write privileges (SER developer). Thus, the two candidates with such privileges having the highest number of votes will be elected. * The remaining three seat do not have any restrictions. Thus, once the SEMS and SER developer representatives have been elected, the remaining three candidates with the highest number of votes will be elected. * The number of votes for each candidate will be listed on http://www.iptel.org/nominations_and_voting_technical_board_2007