Am 09.02.2010 13:15, schrieb Antonio Reale:
2010/2/9 Daniel-Constantin
you are right. I checked the source and the function without params was
missing, it is the old style:
forward(uri:host, uri:port);
However, I just added it in kamailio_3.0 branch (it is an alias to
forward(uri:host, uri:port) for better compatibility with 1.5.x) so if you
installed from git then pull again. It will be in 3.0.1.
Thanks, now it works.
Just a question. In stateful mode I can handle reply from softswitch
using t_on_reply to modify headers before forward the message to the
t_on_reply is a function of the tm module. If you forward stateless, of
course the t_on_reply does not work.
Now that kamailio works in stateless mode, how can I
manipulate the
reply from the softswitch? I tried doing the manipulation in the main
route without success.
You can try to do your manipulation in the default reply route, which
will be executed always, before execution of reply routes armed by
onreply_route {
# default onreply_route
xlog("L_DBG","[$Tf] $rs $rr (From: $fu <- To: $tu)\n");