I've made more tests and the issue seems the same even when disabling
redis for topos.
I've rolled back to the "old" version kamailio was working on:
* 5.2.0~rc1+0~20181121003826.9+xenial -> `working`
* 5.2.0+0~20181218003543.18+xenial* with *kamailio-redis-modules* -> not working
Aleksandar Sosic
mail: alex.sosic(a)evosip.cloud
On Wed, Dec 19, 2018 at 10:43 PM Aleksandar Sosic
<alex.sosic(a)evosip.cloud> wrote:
Hi Guys,
We're having issues trying to use redis as the db for topos.
The conf is the following:
loadmodule "ndb_redis.so"
loadmodule "topos.so"
loadmodule "topos_redis.so"
modparam("ndb_redis", "server",
modparam("topos", "storage", "redis")
modparam("topos", "dialog_expire", 12600)
modparam("topos_redis", "serverid", "srv1")
We've tried also with a redis server running on another machine with no success.
The errors I've got in the kamailio logs are the following:
2(22) ERROR: dialog [dlg_handlers.c:212]: populate_leg_info(): empty CSeq number
2(22) ERROR: dialog [dlg_handlers.c:506]: dlg_onreply(): could not
add further info to the dialog
17(37) ERROR: dialog [dlg_req_within.c:117]: build_dlg_t(): invalid cseq
17(37) ERROR: dialog [dlg_req_within.c:383]: send_bye(): failed to create dlg_t
17(37) ERROR: dialog [dlg_req_within.c:87]: build_dlg_t(): no contact available
17(37) ERROR: dialog [dlg_req_within.c:383]: send_bye(): failed to create dlg_t
Kamailio version used is this: 5.2.0+0~20181218003543.18+xenial
Thanks in advance for your time,
Aleksandar Sosic
mail: alex.sosic(a)evosip.cloud