On 04/21/2009 05:07 PM, Juan Perez wrote:
I am receiving the SDP from a provider with this format: g729/8000/1, which I interpret
as codec g729, sampling rate 8000 and the number of channels is 1.
The calling party [linksys pa2p] apparently does not like the "1" and
terminates the call.
I want to strip it using textops module and pass back the SDP w/o the "1" and
do this in the On_Reply and the Route sections:
if (search_body("g729/8000/1")) {
xlog("L_INFO","mylog: On Reply 1 section. Found the
just as note, you can do just replace_body(), now you do two times search.
but it can not even find it. Is leaving me with
several questions:
1- is the "re" that I am using right?
2- Do I have to escape the "/"?
3- does the replace and search function go "deep" enough in the SDP?
I had not time to test your snippet and see what is wrong, try with
other flavors from textops:
replace_body_all() or subst_body().
Daniel-Constantin Mierla