El Friday 14 December 2007 07:27:03 Gomtesh Jain escribió:
# native SIP destinations are handled using our USRLOC DB if (!lookup("location")) { sl_send_reply("404", "Not Found"); exit; } else { append_branch(); append_hf("P-hint: usrloc applied\r\n"); t_relay();
Why exactly are you doing that?
Imaging you have two contacts registered with AOR 200@domain.org: sip:200@ sip:200@
And now you receive a call for that user.
Your script does "lookup(location)" that generates 2 branches: sip:200@ sip:200@
But terrebily you later do "append_branch" so you are creating a copy of a branch (the first one!!!!!!), si you get those branchs: sip:200@ sip:200@ sip:200@
So t_relay will send these 3 branchs. It's logical your issue.
Quit that unuseful "append_branch", you don't need it for paralell ofrking of registered users. And read the doc about "append_branch" and how/where to use it.