Hi Team,

According with the RFC3312 (https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc3312)

The SDP parameters are the following

We define the following media level SDP attributes:

  current-status     =  "a=curr:" precondition-type
                        SP status-type SP direction-tag
  desired-status     =  "a=des:" precondition-type
                        SP strength-tag SP status-type
                        SP direction-tag
  confirm-status     =  "a=conf:" precondition-type
                        SP status-type SP direction-tag
  **precondition-type  =  "qos" | token
  strength-tag       =  ("mandatory" | "optional" | "none"
                     =  | "failure" | "unknown")**
  status-type        =  ("e2e" | "local" | "remote")
  direction-tag      =  ("none" | "send" | "recv" | "sendrecv")

Which one should be the equivalent in the Kamailio?, is the a specific module?


Joel Borrego (joel.borrego)