UPD: If upper method is possible - I assume I can check if message has Auth header using
if (has_credentials("myrealm")) {
Can you please specify how to grab it?

2015-11-13 15:08 GMT+02:00 Alexandru Covalschi <568691@gmail.com>:
My problem is I need to do users authentication through API. So I need to replace
if (!www_authenticate("$td", "subscriber")) {
	www_challenge("$td", "1");


if (!my_auth_script()) { www_challenge("$td", "1"); }
The main problem is - how can I grab or compare users password? I know nonce, which I understand is MD5 salt. Can I, for example, grab users password from API, then grab the MD5 string and the nonce user sent me, calculate MD5 on base of API password and nonce - and then compare MD5 strings sent by user and calculated?

Alexandru Covalschi
VoIP engineer and system administrator
phone: +37367398493
web: http://abs-telecom.com/

Alexandru Covalschi
VoIP engineer and system administrator
phone: +37367398493
web: http://abs-telecom.com/