Hello,I have installed Kamailio 5.6 in debian 11 and RTPengine 11.3 also in the same server. I have configured kamailio to work as webrtc server and it forwards the registration to asterisk. Now when I am trying call from jssip webrtc client it reaches kamailio and route it through private interface to asterisk server. Asterisk then route it to the provider server. When i make a call asterisk server recives rtp from the provider and convert the rtp to srtp and sending back to kamailio. but there is no sound for webrtc from public internet . Also i am getting warning (SRTCP /RTP output wanted, but no crypto suite was negotiated)
webrtc from Local network works fine with VPN
For normal udp call without webrtc works fine.
Kamailio having two interfaces, interface1 is private and interface 2 is publi ip 100.x.x.x
webrtc client sends calls to the public ip interface 100.x.x.x and kamaiio routes the call to the asterisk via private interface
asterisk server sends the call to remote server and gets the rtp back from that
Asterisk server ---converts RTP to SRTP and forward to ----> kamailio
but there is nothing happens after that, please help me on this i am new to kamailio and rtpengine.The issue is only for webrtc from public internet. But when using webrtc from LAN works fine
below are the logs