Hi All,
I'm using kamailio with carrierroute to load balance calls to other servers.
I have 2 testing scenarios set up:
sipp><kamailio><asterisk server
In the above scenario all SIP transactions, dialogs go through
kamailio, INVITE, Trying, ACK, OK, BYE, OK
Here is another one:
phone><asterisk><kamailio><asterisk server
In this scenario only the initial INVITE, ACK and OK go through
kamailio, then the 2 asterisk servers finish the session directly to
each other with ACK, BYE and OK
In both asterisk servers, canreinvite=no is set in peers and general
section in sip.conf. The kamailio cfg is using t_relay. No errors
are coming up anywhere.
Here is a pastebin of the 2 asterisk traces and the kamailio config.
Any ideas on why the call is not maintaining SIP session through the proxy?
JR Richardson
Engineering for the Masses