Also , forgot to mention that on the same centos 8 host, I sent openssl s_client to port
5061 using TLS 1.2 and it does not send session ID information in the clientHello TLS
handshake message.
On Sunday, March 7, 2021, 04:01:02 PM PST, Rupesh Kumar
<rupesh_kumar(a)> wrote:
I am running kamailio 5.2.6 on centos 8 and openssl 1.1.1c and connecting and using it as
a proxy sip endpoints to a legacy PBX over TLS.
The connection to the backend PBX is over TLS 1.2 . Whenever kamailio initiates a TLS
connection to the PBX, it uses session ID and a random session id . The server side has a
bug and cannot handle the TLS session resuse apparently because of some bug/issue in
caching the TLS sessions.
The renegotiation and session_cache is by default turned off and I also explicitly set to
0 via modparam but kamailio would always send the session ID in the initial client hello
and this is causing us trouble. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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