Ok. I try  to include uac_auth() at my routes ( I include



As I read this function must be at failure_route but  my server indicates response with 401|407 status at onreply_route and never sends to failure route. How say to Kamailio to indicate response 401|407 as a failure?

2014-08-15 18:19 GMT+04:00 Daniel-Constantin Mierla <miconda@gmail.com>:

On 15/08/14 00:24, Yuriy Gorlichenko wrote:
Hello I use UAC module to register trunks to my providers. I've try to call to my provider. I send INVITE to my porvider and then It recieve me 407 reply "proxy authentication required".
Offcourse I can handle this reply manualy (by adding headers throuch header_add) and add md5 summ, but I think it`s not write and harder for Kamailio.
I find module or function at some module that  helps me send write INVITE with auth parameters as a reply ar 407 response of provider.

look at uac_auth() from same uac module -- read the readme, because there are limitations regarding the compliance with CSeq requirements in C.


Daniel-Constantin Mierla
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