db_keys[0] = &str_expires_col;
db_ops[0] = OP_LT;
db_vals[0].type = DB1_INT;
db_vals[0].nul = 0;
db_vals[0].val.int_val = (int)time(NULL);
result_cols[user_col= n_result_cols++] = &str_username_col;
result_cols[domain_col=n_result_cols++] = &str_domain_col;
result_cols[etag_col=n_result_cols++] = &str_etag_col;
result_cols[event_col=n_result_cols++] = &str_event_col;
This can be used where expires coloumn is less then current unix time. But say i want to change the query like expire value is less then xxxxxx but greater then yyyyy Then how can i do that?
Should i need to use another db_key with OP_GT value?
What is Operation info we should use for LIKE. I mean i need to select value which is sip:1000@xx.xx.xx.xx via searching for 1000.
I Hope i had explain the question well. Please let me know in case any confusion in question.