I change serweb php files, add lookup("aliases") to /etc/ser/ser.cfg it's ok but I have a problem with my user account page
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /var/www/virtual/02/html/page.php on line 158
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /var/www/virtual/02/html/page.php on line 161
################################################## foreach($config->enable_tabs as $i => $value) if ($value) $lasttab=$i;
foreach($config->enable_tabs as $i => $value){ if ($value){ ####################################################
Le lun 22/03/2004 à 18:31, Atle Samuelsen a écrit :
Without any config files and error messages it's hard to know what the exact problem is.. but if I guess right, your fifo buffer (/tmp/ser_fifo) has the wrong chmod. try to set fifo_mode in your ser config.
- AtlE
- gaillac harry gaillacharry@yahoo.fr [040322 17:13]:
i have a problem with serweb registration. my apache server is configured with User apache Group root because of /tmp/ser_fifo permissions but when i try to confirme my account ser or apache failed, nothing is going on ????
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