

did you tried to actually set a fixed IV in the cfg? Otherwise it will generate a random IV.




This was added to provider interoperability to other implementations.







Henning Westerholt – https://skalatan.de/blog/

Kamailio services – https://gilawa.com


From: Arsenijs Kabihno <a.kabihno@dynatech.lv>
Sent: Monday, January 9, 2023 1:54 PM
To: sr-users@lists.kamailio.org
Subject: [SR-Users] Kamailio Crypto module and 3rd party openssl




I am trying to make use of crypto module. The scenario is the following:

1.      Encrypt plaintext passwords on kamailio side using crypto_aes_encrypt function of crypto module

2.      Decrypt them outside of kamailio using 3rd party tools, such as PHP openssl_decrypt


Crypto module parametrs are the following:


modparam("crypto", "salt", "")
modparam("crypto", "key_derivation", 0)


If encryption and decription are handled by kamailio, the initial password matches the decrypted string (initial password -> encrypted string -> decrypted string)

For example:


sql_query("ds_dburl", "select secret from kamailio_sip_buddies where username='$au'", "secret");

$avp(secret_plain) = $dbr(secret=>[0,0]); //value: 'kamailio'


crypto_aes_encrypt("$avp(secret_plain)", "YUZySHVtdlVTYjI0TGJNd3JTeVV0MlRaRWFraFNBRlM=", "$var(encrypted)"); //value: 'qfOqTMoJMgGAherGCqLRRQc4zTlqsEj3MEtcORurFf0='


crypto_aes_decrypt("$avp(secret_plain)", "YUZySHVtdlVTYjI0TGJNd3JTeVV0MlRaRWFraFNBRlM=", "$var(decrypted)"); //value: 'kamailio'


But in case I try to decrypt the value of $var(encrypted) using PHP openssl_decrypt or online tool like https://www.devglan.com/online-tools/aes-encryption-decryption, I am getting the result 'kamailio' prepended by 16 random bytes, like:





I believe this 16 bytes are actually random initialization vector in some encoding.

Possibly kamailio is trimming them from result here:



Moreover, if secret was encrypted using crypto_aes_encrypt and random IV, you can use any IV while decrypting and get 16 different bytes+result


Please advice if someone have used crypto module in similar way and what are the possible ways to acheive results consistency