
can you look in error.log of apache and see if you get more hints from there about what was the actual error?

Also, inside siremis tree, check siremis/logs/ -- there are some *.log files that will provide more details about the error.

The messages below suggest a template is missing, but that was likely triggered by another error.


On 07/12/2016 00:27, Diogenes Aviles wrote:
I'm using Siremis 4.3.0 and PHP7. Installation was OK, but running siremis I have some problems in Administration-User Management. When I select an user there is the following error:

[2016-12-06 23:18:47 (GMT)] An exception occurred while executing this script:
Error message: #256, Unable to location template file system_internal_error.tpl.
Script name and line number of error: /var/www/siremis-4.3.0/openbiz/bin/Resource.php:283

function: errorHandler ( 256, "Unable to location template file system_internal_error.tpl.", "/var/www/siremis-4.3.0/openbiz/bin/Resource.php", 283, Array(11) ) @ /var/www/siremis-4.3.0/openbiz/bin/sysheader.inc 117
function: userErrorHandler ( 256, "Unable to location template file system_internal_error.tpl.", "/var/www/siremis-4.3.0/openbiz/bin/Resource.php", 283, Array(11) ) @
function: trigger_error ( "Unable to location template file system_internal_error.tpl.", 256 ) @ /var/www/siremis-4.3.0/openbiz/bin/Resource.php 283
function: getTplFileWithPath ( "system_internal_error.tpl", "email" ) @ /var/www/siremis-4.3.0/openbiz/bin/BizSystem.php 544
function: getTplFileWithPath ( "system_internal_error.tpl", "email" ) @ /var/www/siremis-4.3.0/siremis/modules/service/userEmailService.php 108
function: SystemInternalErrorEmail ( Array(2), Null ) @ /var/www/siremis-4.3.0/siremis/modules/common/form/ErrorForm.php 34
function: Report ( ) @ /var/www/siremis-4.3.0/openbiz/bin/BizController.php 310
function: invoke ( ) @ /var/www/siremis-4.3.0/openbiz/bin/BizController.php 110



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