1. please always ask to the mailing list - so more people will help you, and others can also benefit from the solutions.
2. you need the nathelper module. take a look at the archive and search for nathelper, e.g. using google and search for: nathelper site:mail.iptel.org
there are several threads about nathelper and NAT problems. you can also find documentation in the README and the sample cfg of the nathelper module: http://cvs.berlios.de/cgi-bin/viewcvs.cgi/ser/sip_router/modules/nathelper/
also the ser-FAQ gives some tips: http://iptel.org/~faqomatic/fom-serve/cache/85.html
regards, Klaus
Joao Carlos Moura wrote:
Dear Klaus -
Thank for your support. I read the files from the list and I setup up my SIP SERVER. After that, I restart my server and I receive, unfortunatly 22 configuration error messages. I need to authenticate my equipments (SP 200 - SIGNAL) with PRIVATE IP. Where can I suppose to find these informations or even if you have and could send to my e-mail informations that use this installed module like the example below:
My sample:
SP200 (> to Be SIP Server (
The server can receive the contact from SP200 but can´t answer back. The IP that´s generated and it s shown on MYSQL LOG is:
Any clue?
I count with your help and patience,
João Carlos Moura
*João Carlos Moura NiNeTel Telecommunications +55 85 264-9039*