Hello! Was trying to perfrom subj interconnection via http://kb.asipto.com/freeswitch:kamailio-3.3.x-freeswitch-1.2.x-sb%D1%81 http://kb.asipto.com/freeswitch:kamailio-3.3.x-freeswitch-1.2.x-sbc via that guide. Kamailio and FS are on same host on Amazon EC2. The issue is - when I have proxy_media=true on FS, ZRTP is OK, but the leg_b user can't hear anything (but his voice is transmitted OK). When I set proxy-media to false the voice is OK, but something is with ZRTP so Jitsi can't establish ZRTP handshake. When I set bypass-media=true on FS both ZRTP and voice established, but quality is sometimes bad and the delay is too big.
Anyone has any ideas? Kamailio 4.3, FS 1.4 http://kb.asipto.com/freeswitch:kamailio-3.3.x-freeswitch-1.2.x-sbc