if you had siremis installed, it created some stored procedures during
installation wizard -- you will have to create them on the new database
system as well. There is a sql file inside siremis/modules/ser/.
On 18/06/14 17:09, Joel White wrote:
I made a significant change to the way the system I am
building is
designed. I removed the Database to a redundant cluster and not on
the same server as the kamailio install.
I changed all references to the DBURL to reflect the IP of the new
I also changed the SQLOPS statement for CDRs to reflect the new IP
modparam("sqlops", "sqlcon",
All ACC transactions are being recorded to the new DB and the configuration is running
well with the exception of CDRs.
What am I missing that would prevent writing of CDRs to the DB?
I did check connectivity from the Kamailio server to the DB server as well as access to
the cdrs table
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