not much into IMS myself, and I see you somehow sorted out the Kamailio
part, but in case it helps, you can find sample configuration files in
the source code tree at misc/examples/ims/
As for FHOSS, I am not sure if that project is active/maintained. Maybe
other guys here using IMS extensions can comment more.
On 05.04.18 17:37, Roi Arias Salve wrote:
Hi all.
I would like to thank you all the documents you have to install a
Kamailio server. It’s quite easy and fast.
Currently I’m working on Azure, witha Debian 9 OS, and I’d followed
the instructions to install the Kamailio OPENSER, and everything Works
But now I’m stuck on my next step. I would like to install all the IMS
components, P-cscf/I-cscf/S-cscf/Fhoss following this document
But, I have no success. Maybe I’ve a mistake on the selection for the
Debian OS installed on the server. I say this because of this sentence:
“ *Note: This document is work in progress and yet unfinished!*
This is a short installation howto for Debian Wheezy (stable).
So, I asume that maybe here I have a problem with the OS version, I’ll
try to summarize where I have problems:
1.- I’ve installed the , P-cscf/I-cscf/S-cscf not a problem.
2.- I am not able to follow this steps related to the repository:
First, install the Key for our repository:
wget -O -
http://repository.ng-voice.com/PublicKey | apt-key add -
Then add the repository to your “/etc/apt/sources.list”:
echo "deb
http://repository.ng-voice.com jessie ims rtpproxy" >>
and also I have problems with this action over the repository
Note: You will need to add the “non-free” packages to your repository:
http://ftp.de.debian.org/debian lenny main non-free
http://security.debian.org/ lenny/updates main non-free
3.- I decided to install directly the modules from an apt-get
install action, because I followed the instructions on the Log created
on the Kamailio starting box, where you can find all the steps related
to IMS modules, and the suggestion there it is to compile your own
modules. On this step I detected a problem related with the dialog_ng
module, according to the .log document on the Starting box, you have
to include all the modules before you execute the make all instruction:
modify modules.lst for included modules and excluded modules (use
saved file)
- include: ims_auth ims_charging ims_icscf ims_isc
ims_qos ims_registrar_pcscf ims_registrar_scscf ims_usrloc_pcscf
ims_usrloc_scscf dialog_ng cdp cdp_avp
4.- After this issue, I tried to install FHOSS, but here I can’t go
further, I am not able to compile it, neither doing my own compilation
following this step
ant compile deploy | tee ant_compile_deploy.txt
nor following
apt-get install openimscore-fhoss
I was no table to get connected to the repository, so I can’t go further.
I’m sorry for all this information, can anyone help? Any suggestion?
Libre de virus.
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