Experimenting with KEMI for the first time, I ran into a few issues and hoping someone has feedback.
kamailio 5.8.3
In the following python example, 'if ksr.is_method("ACK"):' should never be reached. Below is debug.
if not ksr.siputils.has_totag():
ksr.info("has to tag")
if ksr.is_method("ACK"):
if ksr.tm.t_check_trans():
ksr.sl.send_reply(404, "Not here")
DEBUG: app_python3s [apy3s_kemi.c:365]: sr_apy_kemi_exec_func_ex(): execution of method: siputils.has_totag
DEBUG: siputils [checks.c:122]: has_totag(): no totag
DEBUG: app_python3s [apy3s_kemi.c:368]: sr_apy_kemi_exec_func_ex(): execution of method: is_method
DEBUG: app_python3s [apy3s_kemi.c:389]: sr_apy_kemi_exec_func_ex(): number of arguments: 1
DEBUG: app_python3s [apy3s_kemi.c:365]: sr_apy_kemi_exec_func_ex(): execution of method: sl.send_reply
DEBUG: app_python3s [apy3s_kemi.c:389]: sr_apy_kemi_exec_func_ex(): number of arguments: 2
DEBUG: sl [sl.c:306]: send_reply(): reply in stateless mode (sl)
Second, here are a couple errors I have seen a few times but havent been able to identify the underlying issue, mainly hoping for more context on the meaning of 'execution of route type 1 with no name returned -1'.
ERROR: app_python3s [apy3s_kemi.c:146]: apy3s_exec_func(): error exception occurred
DEBUG: app_python3s [apy3s_kemi.c:230]: sr_kemi_config_engine_python(): execution of route type 1 with no name returned -1
Any input is appreciated.