In your setup, you have a small Expires, but you still send call after the contact has expired?... May be the user don't want the call any more...
If user do NOT want to receive push, there are some options: - the app sends the new REGISTER without "token" and all other push specific parameters (such happened if a user on device disable push for a specific app) - in our implementation, when user make logout from app, REGISTER with Expires:0 is sent - and I in kamailio recognize it as push "off" as well.
When push is "off" I remove push data for specific instance from htable.
As far as I know, after my app is terminated and TCP connection closed (or broken), there is no impact in the location database? So UDP/TCP/TLS should not make any difference for my setup!
We use this option (set it 1):
so the UDP and TCP/TLS behave differently. By default - yes location will store all records until Expires hit.
I understand your warning about TCP: If I have only on TCP branch and it fails I guess I will have a fast " I'm terribly sorry, server error occurred (7/SL)" answer and no time for my "pushed" app to be already registered. However, I think I can sort this out with a trick (for example, a static branch to keep my stuff alive?)
! yes, that is the point, to cope with such case you will need to "reinvent the wheel". If you get some rational implementation - share it.
Up to now, the new registration comes before the failure of the broken TCP branch. Not sure if I'm lucky or if I can count on this ;(
I would not count on this. As: - you do not control push server, as a result, you cannot predict what is the time of delivery. - also, your app may run on different hardware/software, and time from "push received" until "REISTER sent out" may be quite different. In our tests for some "slow" devices it took up to 4! seconds.
Thus... t_suspend and t_continue don't seems to be required at all for me. Also, I haven't been able yet to find any advantage to use a different htable.
for now - it is OK, but be aware that there is another way.
Just to summarize: I am not saying that my way is "true", as I had a lot of headache with push data /storage/control/clean-up. Another issue was to store push data for several devices per one user. and a lot of others...
Goals that were reached: - delete from location non alive registration asap => so when new INVITE comes - send push, and do not have mess with nonalive branches. - handle correctly case when there is no alive regsitrations (t_suspend) --- sub case here: there is only one registration, it is with push. t_relay failed, as a result I go to suspend logic as well
So, long story short: do it your way.
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