How do i find memory leaks?
when my application starts the it shows the following values:
shmem:fragments = 143898
shmem:freesize = 3446570952
shmem:max_used_size = 861854768
shmem:real_used_size = 848396344
shmem:total_size = 4294967296
shmem:used_size = 319676976
I divided the "real_used_size" with the "total_size" and notice that
it is
20%. So, this is my initial value of the application.
After 2 months with 40,000 calls per day, the relations between these
values is 39%. (doing a reload of the data that occupies 20% failed due to
"no memory")
So, 19% occupation of memory is normal for this amount of calls? or is it a
memory leak? if it is a memeory leak, how do i see where?
On 09/05/2012 10:19 AM, Uri Shacked wrote:
* Hi, *>* When I start kamailio it loads some data
into memory. *>* Now
calls are starting to gather up. How can I check how mach
memory *>* does
my avp's take? *>* BR, *>* Uri *Hello Uri,
avp's are associated with the transactions, so they free'd when the
transaction stops(and calls are composed of transactions). This is true
for dialog information as well (dlg_var's etc.). Continuous growth in
memory at a constant call rate (incoming sip requests) might mean a
leak. If you need statistics about the total memory usage you can use
`kamctl fifo get_statistics all` and check for the shmem real_used_size
and max_used_size fields.
Zbihlei Marius
Head of
Linux Development Services Romania