the fetch_rows parameter is just to specify the number of routes to load _at once_. So, you should not set it to the complete size, but keep it more in the range of the default value.
About the general slower loading, there has been another e-mail some weeks ago that mention a similar problem.
Please try again with a proper fetch_rows setting. If its still happens, you can open a github issue about it, it seems indeed like a regression
Henning Westerholt -
Kamailio services -
-----Original Message-----
From: sr-users
sr-users-bounces@lists.kamailio.org On Behalf Of sr.maillists@gmail.com
Sent: Wednesday, February 24, 2021 5:32 PM
To: sr-users@lists.kamailio.org
Subject: [SR-Users] Kamailio 5.4.4 extremely slow carrierroute preloading
Hi Maillist!
Does someone have experience with kamailio 5.4.4 and carrierroutes loading?
We have about 50'000 carrierroutes, kamailio 4.3.6 loads them in about
10 seconds.
Kamailio 5.4.4 needs about 10 minutes (!) to load the routes if I set the parameter modparam("carrierroute", "fetch_rows", 50000); Withous this parameter, v5.4.4 loads only 2000.
- Virtual Machine is an ubuntu 20.04 with all current updates
- Kamailio is installed from source
- The database is postgres on a separate host
I tested this with the same database and same VM, I only recompiled kamailio and made neccessary changes in the kamailio.cfg.
In 4.3.6 I disabled the modules tls and jsonrpcs and added the module mi_fifo.so instead.
Any Idea where to search? Did I miss something in the update-procedure?
Kamailio (SER) - Users Mailing List