Good Day All,
I was wondering if anyone had a good repository where someone could go to
check out some decent configs for ser.
I am running ser-0.8.14 on a Linux system. I have a moderatly butchered
config working, passing voice and ringing of phones, from the
cookbook site.
My ultimate goal is to get ser running with sip phones from behind a NAT
firewall and from the general internet. My problem is with the config I am
running, I am not sure where to stick the commands in to get things to work
From my research I want to be running the current
addtional modules:
mysql - For DB access
vm - For Voicemail access, I have sems installed, but not sure if correctly,
it runs when I start it
acc - Accounting to the DB, I made the change in the Makeile to allow this
I also want to allow to put aliases on the accounts, which I have figured
out with serweb.
Any direction would be great as I am abit stuck on not quite sure on how I
should proceed.