The website has been updated to use a responsive theme. The old skin was built during 2010-2011, the corresponding wordpress theme was not updated for few years, lacking the responsive layout.

The new look keepsĀ the same clean and clear approach. One of the major changes was the need to widget-ize the sidebar on the right, which used to be the main navigation menu for most of the resources provided by Kamailio project. Several of them were left on the new right sidebar and the rest along with new resources were indexed by the menus at the bottom of the pages.

The main page for is planned to be reorganized with a fresh design in the near future as well, building on top of the framework provided by the new wordpress template.

Suggestions on how to organize the website and its menus for better accessibility or more suggestive navigation are very welcome! EmailĀ us to <sr-dev [at]>.

Thank you for flying Kamailio!