Voip Users Conference
Want to learn more about the latest version of Kamailio?
Join us on the VUC session on Friday!
It’s been a while since the last session about Kamailio during the weekly VoIP Users Conference moderated by Randy Resnick. Friday April 8th, 2016, you are invited to join the VUC session starting at 12:00 EDT (17:00 in London, 18:00 in Berlin, Madrid Paris, Rome) to get updates about the new features introduced by the latest major releases of Kamailio, what the plans for future development are and get a preview of what’s going to happen at Kamailio World Conference (May 18-20, 2016, in Berlin).
Daniel-Constantin Mierla, the co-founder of Kamailio project, will be there to give the updates and answer the questions from the audience.
You can join the conference remotely via SIP or dialling one the many local PSTN numbers as well as listening via web or watching the video live streaming. Questions can be posted also via IRC channel #vuc on freenode.net. You can see more details about the ways to connect on the VUC website:
Book the date in your calendar and join the session on Friday!