Submission of presentation proposals for Kamailio World 2017 is open. Deadline for submission is February 10, 2017, notification of accepted proposals will be done latest on March 01, 2017.
Be aware that interesting proposals can be accepted before the deadline, we plan to have two intermediate review sessions before February 10, 2017, announcing any accepted presentations immediately. Note also that at the previous edition there were more proposals than available slots and we expect to happen again this time. Therefore it is recommended to send your proposal as soon as possible, do not wait till deadline.
To submit the proposal, fill in the web form at:
The main topic of the conference is Real Time Communications, with the majority of the content being about Kamailio and other open source projects in the area. However, like for the past editions, we welcome very interesting presentations beyond those subjects.
If you are interested to look at the agenda from previous edition, visit:
Have a great 2017! Looking forward to meeting many of you at the next Kamailio World!