Recently a new module was introduced in the GIT master branch, named lost – its documentation is available at:
It has been contributed by Wolfgang Kampichler from Frequentis AG, Austria. It implements extensions specific to next generation emergency services (aka 112-NG or 911-NG).
Using this module, SIP requests may be forwarded based on a location provided with the request or retrieved from a specific location server using an identity (HELD).
It also offers the basic functionality to get or parse location information and to query a mapping service (LOST) in order to get next hop based on location and service URN, either specified or provided with the request.
The specifications for these extensions come from IETF:
- RFC5222 (
- RFC6155 (
With this occasion we welcome Wolfgang in the Kamailio development team, he is going to maintain and develop further this module!
Thanks for flying Kamailio!