New Module: RabbitMQ
A new module has been added recently in the Kamailio git repository, named rabbitmq. It’s a module that give a Kamailio admin access to the popular message queue system Rabbit MQ from the configurationRead More…
A new module has been added recently in the Kamailio git repository, named rabbitmq. It’s a module that give a Kamailio admin access to the popular message queue system Rabbit MQ from the configurationRead More…
Kamailio 5.0 Preview: As part of development for next major release Kamailio 5.0 we would like to announce a new framework (code-named kemi) which allows writing routing blocks in embedded languages. If you useRead More…
A new module named NSQ has been imported in Kamailio’s GIT repository, authored by Emmanuel Schmidbauer from Weave Communications. Emmanuel has become also a registered developed in order to maintain the module.Read More…
Thanks to Victor Seva from Sipwise, the Travis-CI jobs for building Kamailio were upgraded to use Docker containers. A part of continuous integration process for Kamailio project, the builds are triggered byRead More…
Before freezing the development for recently released Kamailio v4.3.0, Camille Oudout from Orange/Libon, France, pushed a new memory manager (named tlsf) focused on high performances on handling memory operations. It is wellRead More…
The next release of Kamailio will be 4.3 – a release with new module and many new functions! The GIT branch for the coming release 4.3 has been created. This branch will hostRead More…
The development (aka master) branch of Kamailio now enter the pre-release phase for version 4.3.0. No new features are allowed to be pushed to GIT master branch until we create a dedicated branchRead More…
The next major release of Kamailio is going to be version 4.3.0. The plan to release it was sketched during the last IRC devel meeting. The current proposal is to publish the newRead More…
Camille Oudot, from Orange, France, has recently published a new module for Kamailio, collecting a set of configuration file functions for operations on TCP/TLS connections. The module is named tcpops and the documentationRead More…
Today we moved the source code management away from an old server to a new infrastructure, based on Github. The main GIT repository that all developers use for development of Kamailio isRead More…