Cluecon 2014
The annual Cluecon conference, an event focused as usual on open source telephony and real time communications, starts soon in Chicago for the 10th edition, during August 5-7, 2014. Make sure you meetRead More…
The annual Cluecon conference, an event focused as usual on open source telephony and real time communications, starts soon in Chicago for the 10th edition, during August 5-7, 2014. Make sure you meetRead More…
Most of the slides presented last week at Kamailio World Conference are now available on the web at: Details about each speaker are available at: The schedule can be browsedRead More…
In two weeks from today, on April 2, Kamailio World will start with the workshop sessions – a full afternoon filled with technical tutorials about sip:provider CE, IMS and prepaid systems withRead More…
Slightly less than two months to the start of Kamailio World 2014, the organization of the event is getting accelerated. We received plenty of interesting proposals so far, we expect to endRead More…
Continuing our tradition for many years now of meeting at the Fosdem Conference, a consistent group of people related to Kamailio project will be in Brussels over the weekend of February 1-2, 2014.Read More…
Registration for attending Kamailio World Conference is now open. You have the option to pay via bank transfer or using PayPal and credit cards. Proceed with the registration or read more detailsRead More…
Call for speakers at the second edition of Kamailio World Conference is now open. If you are interested to present during the event, please submit your proposal via our web form inRead More…
Kamailio will be back on VoIP Users Conference, the edition scheduled for the 15th of November, 2013, starting at 17:00GMT. It is the time to give an update about what we haveRead More…
Kamailio project will be present at Astricon with a stand in the exhibition area. Stop by the booth #19 to chat with us or see some demos from various companies using KamailioRead More…
Astricon, the Asterisk conference, celebrates big this year with its tenth edition, event to take place in Atlanta, GA, USA, during October 8-10, 2013. Using Kamailio and Asterisk is something very common,Read More…