Kamailio World 2014 – Two Weeks To Go
In two weeks from today, on April 2, Kamailio World will start with the workshop sessions – a full afternoon filled with technical tutorials about sip:provider CE, IMS and prepaid systems withRead More…
In two weeks from today, on April 2, Kamailio World will start with the workshop sessions – a full afternoon filled with technical tutorials about sip:provider CE, IMS and prepaid systems withRead More…
Most of the slides presented last week at Kamailio World Conference are now available on the web at: https://www.kamailio.org/events/2013-KamailioWorld/ Details about each speaker are available at: http://conference.kamailio.com/k01/speakers/ The schedule can be browsedRead More…
First we want to thank to all participants to Kamailio World Conference, everyone having a relevant contribution to it, turning out the two days in a very successful event. Special thanks toRead More…
Kamailio World Conference is one week away, only few bits to adjust, everything being pretty much in place. The agenda with presentations is available at: http://conference.kamailio.com/k01/schedule/ Details about the speakers are availableRead More…
Just a bit less than two weeks to the start of Kamailio World Conference, we are gearing up and already started preparing everything for the event. The agenda with presentations is availableRead More…
First set of accepted presentations for Kamailio World Conference has been published. Visit the Schedule page for the current draft of the agenda: http://conference.kamailio.com/k01/schedule/ About 15 sessions and speakers have been addedRead More…
Kamailio World will be THE conference to attend for everyone in Europe that works with Open Source communication – from classic PSTN over IP, VoIP to realtime communication platforms! While the conference isRead More…
Registration for attending Kamailio World Conference is now open. You have the option to pay via bank transfer or using PayPal and credit cards. Proceed with the registration or read more detailsRead More…
The Kamailio project is announcing its first dedicated event – Kamailio World – to take place in Berlin, Germany, during April 16-17, 2013. The event is organized by Asipto in collaboration withRead More…