Kamailio v4.1.1 Released
Kamailio SIP Server v4.1.1 stable is out – a minor release including fixes in code and documentation since v4.1.0 – configuration file and database compatibility is preserved. Kamailio (former OpenSER) v4.1.1 isRead More…
Kamailio SIP Server v4.1.1 stable is out – a minor release including fixes in code and documentation since v4.1.0 – configuration file and database compatibility is preserved. Kamailio (former OpenSER) v4.1.1 isRead More…
Call for speakers at the second edition of Kamailio World Conference is now open. If you are interested to present during the event, please submit your proposal via our web form inRead More…
Another year packed in the archive, thanks everyone for filling it with excellent achievements and, along them, keeping Kamailio project moving forward! We expect another wonderful year ahead for the project andRead More…
Almost done with another fruitful year, counting two major releases, the first edition of a dedicated conference for Kamailio and presence at over a dozen events world wide, it’s time to sayRead More…
Kamailio SIP Server v4.0.5 stable is out – a minor release including fixes in code and documentation since v4.0.0 – configuration file and database compatibility is preserved. Kamailio (former OpenSER) v4.0.5 isRead More…
Kamailio SIP Server v3.3.6 stable is out – a minor release including fixes in code and documentation since v3.3.5 – configuration file and database compatibility is preserved. Kamailio (former OpenSER) v3.3.6 isRead More…
The Git repository of Kamailio project hosted at git.sip-router.org is now mirrored in real time to GitHub at: https://github.com/kamailio/kamailio GitHub is known for its nice web interface to browse Git repositories asRead More…
A new module is now part of the GIT master branch (planned to be released as v4.2.0 sometime next year). The module is named ndb_cassandra and it is offers an API toRead More…
December 04, 2013: Kamailio v4.1.0 is out – a new major release, collecting new features and improvements added during seven months of development and two months of testing. In short, this majorRead More…
Kamailio project is glad to announce that a new person got developer GIT write access to repository: Luis Martin Gil. He has developed a new module named ndb_cassandra, which offers a connectorRead More…