Fred Posner has recently launched a new project with LOD called APIBAN: The site provides an API to share IP addresses of bad SIP traffic; allowing you to block the trafficRead More…
Kamailio World 2020 – Registration Is Now Open
The registration for the 8th edition of Kamailio World Conference is now open! More details and registration forms are available on the website: Like at the previous editions, the event spans over three days, AprilRead More…
Kamailio v5.3.2 Released
Kamailio SIP Server v5.3.2 stable is out – a minor release including fixes in code and documentation since v5.3.1. The configuration file and database schema compatibility is preserved, which means you don’t haveRead More…
New Module: MQTT
The year just started and a new module was merged into Kamailio git master branch, respectively mqtt: It has been contributed by Thomas Weber from, who has become a registeredRead More…
Happy New Year 2020!
The 2019 was busier than ever and gone by now, yet another year with sustained development and high community activity for the Kamailio project, with a new major release and remarkable editionsRead More…
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays 2019-2020!
Slowly getting to another end of a year, the 19th since the project was started — an excellent 2019, with sustained development of the project and plenty of community activities. We hadRead More…
Kamailio Management Group Updates
We would like to inform that Fred Posner and Victor Seva have joined the Kamailio Management group, replacing Jesus Rodriguez and Iñaki Baz Castillo. Jesus and Iñaki changed a while ago theirRead More…
Kamailio World 2020 – Call For Presentations
We would like to announce that Call for Presentations at Kamailio World 2020 is now open. You can submit your proposal or see more details at: The 8th edition of theRead More…
Kamailio HA With Dispatcher And DMQ Modules
Another very interesting blog post published recently by the folks at Wazo project: “Achieving high availability for Kamailio with dispatcher and dmq modules”. You can read the full article at: DispatcherRead More…
Kamailio SIP Routing With rtjson And http_async_client
The folks at Wazo (a project aiming to offer a full open source API programable RTC platform) have recently published a blog article on SIP routing using Kamailio’s rtjson and http_async_client modulesRead More…