Astricon 2018, the Asterisk users’ conference, is just several days away. It takes place again in Orlando, FL, USA, during October 9-11, 2018. Kamailio is very well represented at this edition, besidesRead More…
New Module Exports Interface
As a result of collaborative work at Kamailio Developers Meeting, we succeeded to merge the two existing module exports interface (one for Kamailio modules and the other one from SER modules) inRead More…
Maintenance Work On
There will be some maintenance work done to server these days in order to move to a better infrastructure, so it may not be available for a while. The DNS needsRead More…
Upcoming Events – Autumn 2018
The autumn of 2018 has plenty of events where Kamailio developers and community members will participate. Among them: Kamailio Developers Event, during September 27-28, in Dusseldorf, Germany Kamailio On Tap – FreeRead More…
Kamailio On Tap – Social Event In Dusseldorf, Sep 27, 2018
About 15 Kamailio developers are traveling to Dusseldorf for the Kamailio Developers Meeting during September 27-28, 2018, giving the opportunity to organize an open social networking event in the evening of SeptemberRead More…
New Developer: Tsvetomir Dimitrov
The warm welcome note for Tsvetomir Dimitrov joining the Kamailio Developers Team, who recently contributed the ims_ipsec_pcscf module. In the past, he submitted fixes and improvements to the code for other existing modulesRead More…
Kamailio Developers Meeting, Sep 27-28, 2018, in Dusseldorf
Kamailio SIP Server project is organizing a meeting of its developers during September 27-28, 2018, hosted by in Dusseldorf, Germany. The event is intended to facilitate the interaction between Kamailio developersRead More…
A new module has been contributed recently by Tsvetomir Dimitrov extending Kamailio capabilities on IMS and VoLTE. The module is named ims_ipsec_pcscf and contains the methods for IPSec initialisation and deinitialisation needed forRead More…
Kamailio On ClueCon Weekly, Aug 29, 2018
On the 28th of August 2018, Daniel-Constantin Mierla will join the ClueCon Weekly Conference to talk about what’s new lately in the Kamailio ecosystem. ClueCon Weekly is a live 1-hour video conferenceRead More…
Kamailio v5.1.5 Released
Kamailio SIP Server v5.1.5 stable is out – a minor release including fixes in code and documentation since v5.1.4. The configuration file and database schema compatibility is preserved, which means you don’t have toRead More…