The 2017 edition of AstriCon was very intense, or at least it was for me (Daniel-Constantin Mierla, Asipto) and the Kamailio presence at the event. Three days without any time to rest! Before summarisingRead More…
Development For Kamailio v5.1 Series Is Frozen
A short note to mark the freezing of development for Kamailio v5.1 series. For few weeks, no new features will be pushed in the master branch. Once the branch 5.1 is createdRead More…
Freezing Development For Kamailio v5.1
The development of new features for next major release, Kamailio v5.1, is going to be frozen on Monday, October 16, 2017. The master branch received plenty of new features since the releaseRead More…
AstriCon 2017
Kamailio is going to be present at AstriCon 2017, the Asterisk User Conference and Exhibition organized by Digium, to take place in Orlando, FL, USA, during October 3-5, 2017. Carsten Bock, Daniel-Constantin Mierla,Read More…
Next IRC Devel Meeting
To sync properly for the next major release of Kamailio (v5.1.0) and ongoing development, we propose an IRC devel meeting for next week, on Wednesday, Sep 27, 2017. An alternative would beRead More…
PyFreeBilling – OSS Billing Platform
We want to highlight another project that uses Kamailio, which together with FreeSwitch, is part of PyFreeBilling, an open source billing platform targeting VoIP wholesale. It is released under AGPLv3. The projectRead More…
Kamailio v5.0.3 Released
Kamailio SIP Server v5.0.3 stable is out – a minor release including fixes in code and documentation since v5.0.2. The configuration file and database schema compatibility is preserved, which means you don’t haveRead More…
Kamailio Presentation At ClueCon 2017
Fred Posner, our big friend (and baker from Florida), participated to ClueCon Conference 2017 and gave a presentation about Kamailio SIP Server. The slides deck is available at: You can findRead More…
ACC – SQL Define Removed And Diameter Code Relocated
The ACC module (accounting) in Kamailio got a bit of clean up, therefore be aware of following changes: (1) the define conditions on SQL_ACC were removed — this was enabled for more thanRead More…
Research On VoIP Fraud Using Kamailio As Sensor
Konstantin Tumalevich has posted an article via GitHub about his research done on VoIP fraud using Kamailio as a sensor, along with other VoIP applications such as Asterisk. Some interesting facts extractedRead More…