Kamailio SIP Server v4.3.6 stable is out – a minor release including fixes in code and documentation since v4.3.5. The configuration file and database schema compatibility is preserved. Kamailio (former OpenSER) v4.3.6 isRead More…
Kamailio v4.4.2 Released
Kamailio SIP Server v4.4.2 stable is out – a minor release including fixes in code and documentation since v4.4.1. The configuration file and database schema compatibility is preserved. Kamailio v4.4.2 is based onRead More…
Kamailio.org Server Maintenance
Update 1: some of the maintenance work will be performed in the afternoon of Monday, June 6, starting with 14:00 Berlin, Germany. In the near future, likely next week, kamailio.org server willRead More…
Kamailio World 2016 – Videos : Hours Of Knowledge About Kamailio And Other Projects
Kamailio world is our annual conference in Berlin, hosted in Fraunhofer Focus – where it all started 15 years ago. The videos for the 2016 conference are now published in our youtubeRead More…
Kamailio v4.4.1 Released
Kamailio SIP Server v4.4.1 stable is out – a minor release including fixes in code and documentation since v4.4.0. The configuration file and database schema compatibility is preserved. Kamailio v4.4.1 is based onRead More…
SIP Routing in Lua or Python
Kamailio 5.0 Preview: As part of development for next major release Kamailio 5.0 we would like to announce a new framework (code-named kemi) which allows writing routing blocks in embedded languages. If you useRead More…
New Module: NSQ
A new module named NSQ has been imported in Kamailio’s GIT repository, authored by Emmanuel Schmidbauer from Weave Communications. Emmanuel has become also a registered developed in order to maintain the module.Read More…
Responsive Look for Website
The kamailio.org website has been updated to use a responsive theme. The old skin was built during 2010-2011, the corresponding wordpress theme was not updated for few years, lacking the responsive layout.Read More…
Kamailio World 2016: Four Weeks Before
Time is passing and Kamailio World Conference 2016 is approaching at fast pace – only four weeks left till the start of the event! The schedule is pretty much nailed down, withRead More…
Kamailio Devel Meeting on IRC, Apr 21, 2016
The next Kamailio Devel Meeting on IRC has been planned for Thursday, April 21, 2016, at 14:00UTC (10:00 New York, 15:00 London, 16:00 Berlin), on #kamailio channel from freenode.net. As usual, itRead More…