Kamailio World Conference is one week away, only few bits to adjust, everything being pretty much in place. The agenda with presentations is available at: http://conference.kamailio.com/k01/schedule/ Details about the speakers are availableRead More…
New module: sipt
Torrey Searle from Voxbone has added a new module to Kamailio development branch – the name is sipt. The module offers configuration script functions for updating ISUP encapsulated in SIP (SIP-T orRead More…
New developer: Torrey Searle
The Kamailio project is glad to announce that a new person got developer GIT write access to repository: Torrey Searle, long time community member from Voxbone – he is working and goingRead More…
Kamailio World Updates – April 3
Just a bit less than two weeks to the start of Kamailio World Conference, we are gearing up and already started preparing everything for the event. The agenda with presentations is availableRead More…
New module: cnxcc – credit control and prepaid
Carlos Ruiz Diaz has imported a new module in development branch of Kamailio – it is named cnxcc. From the module documentation: “This module was designed to act as a mechanism toRead More…
New developer: Carlos Ruiz Diaz
Kamailio project is glad to announce that its development team is expanding again – a new person got developer GIT write access to repository: Carlos Ruiz Díaz. He is going to addRead More…
New module: app_java
Konstantin Mosesov has added a new module to Kamailio development branch that allow embedded execution of Java compiled code. Java applications get access to attributes of current processed SIP messages and canRead More…
Kamailio at FOSDEM’13 – Slides
More than one month later since FOSDEM’13, everyone being busy making Kamailio v4.0.0 happen, the slides related to Kamailio project are available on project’s website. In the Telphony Dev Room, Peter DunkleyRead More…
Packages for v4.0.0
RPM packages for Kamailio v4.0.0 are available now for several Linux distributions: Centos 5.5 and 6, RedHat 5 and 6, Fedora 16, 17 and 18, OpenSuse 12.1, 12.2 and 12.3.
Kamailio v4.0.0 Released
March 11, 2013: Kamailio v4.0.0 is out – a special major release, shifting up the first digit in versioning number! Besides bringing a lot of improvements and new features, the main reasonsRead More…