Wednesday evening, October 6, 2010, just after release of version 3.1.0, some of us will go out for a dinner in Vienna, Austria. As usual, we make sure the place has goodRead More…
SIP SIMPLE Made Simple with v3.1.0
With addition of embedded XCAP server (xcap_server module), Kamailio 3.1.0 simplifies dramatically the deployments of SIP SIMPLE presence services. A complete tutorial about how to configure Kamailio with embedded XCAP server andRead More…
Siremis v1.0.1 Released
A new version of SIREMIS Web Management Interface for Kamailio (former OpenSER) and SIP Router is available as v1.0.1. Siremis enables straightforward management of subscriber profiles, least cost routing and load balancingRead More…
A piece of history: 9 years SER
Today are 9 years since first source code commit of SIP Express Router (aka SER) happened. It started with following three commits reported by git-log: git log –pretty=format:”%h%x09%an%x09%ad%x09%s” –reverse | head -3Read More…
Kamailio Presentations at Cluecon 2010
Kamailio SIP Router presentation at Cluecon was uploaded on the web site, link: The one and a half day presence in Chicago was surprising good for Kamailio and SER – peopleRead More…
Kamailio v3.0.3 Released
Kamailio v3.0.3 is out – a minor release including fixes in code and documentation since v3.0.2 – configuration file and database compatibility is preserved… Kamailio (OpenSER) 3.0.3 is based on the latestRead More…
Testing phase for v3.1
The next major release, v3.1.0, is approaching. As of today, Aug 17, 2010, starts the testing phase. For about 1-1.5 months, the focus is on fixing bugs and tuning the new featuresRead More… – Henning Westerholt talking about Kamailio
Kamailio Project was present at LinuxTag 2010 with a presentation by Henning Westerholt and a exhibition booth. During the event, Henning was interviewed by, here you can find the recording (German):Read More…
Summary of Devel Meeting, Berlin 2010
Last Kamailio and SIP Express Router (SER) Developers’ Meeting took place in Berlin, June 8, 2010. Hosted by Fraunhofer FOKUS Institute, the event gathered 16 people, from core developers to users ofRead More…
Presentation at ClueCon 2010
Daniel-Constantin Mierla will give a presentation about using Kamailio and FreeSWITCH together to build large unified communication platforms at ClueCon 2010. While the primary communication channel these days is voice, instant messagingRead More…