14:56 miconda: hello everyone! we should start in about 5min …
15:01 miconda: ok, ready to start here …
15:02 qxork:

15:02 miconda: hope everyone had a great summer (or winter, if in the south parth)
15:03 miconda: as usual, we will follow the agenda from the wiki
15:03 miconda: then discuss freely at the end
15:04 grumvalski: hi all :)
15:04 miconda: hello!
15:04 miconda: * open issues *
15:04 miconda: any issue you are aware of and not yet reported to bug tracker?
15:05 qxork: silence is golden
15:05 miconda: ok

15:05 miconda: then next to minor releases
15:06 miconda: my plan is to do the next in 5.0 series after Astricon, so it's in like 2 weeks
15:06 miconda: hopefully by then we will sort out some of the open issues from tracker
15:06 miconda: for 4.4 I haven't made any plan yet, but could follow shortly after the 5.0.x one
15:07 miconda: so, next topic if no other comments/proposals here
15:08 miconda: * administration *
15:08 grumvalski: sounds fine :)
15:08 grumvalski: the release plan
15:08 notthatdaniel: Till when will 4.4.x be supported?
15:08 linuxmaniac: till 5.1 is out?
15:08 linuxmaniac: or is 5.2?
15:09 miconda: notthatdaniel: like linuxmaniac said, typically few months after the first 5.1 release
15:09 miconda: linuxmaniac: 5.1
15:09 notthatdaniel: ack
15:09 linuxmaniac: ack
15:09 miconda: last two releases are maintained
15:09 miconda: it will be 5.0 and 5.1
15:09 miconda: back to admin
15:10 miconda: somehow we left open few things from irc devel meeting before the summer
15:10 miconda: like security alerts, an admin/notification team …
15:11 miconda: I just wanted to refresh about it
15:11 linuxmaniac: I don't recall
15:11 miconda: we sort of discussed all about, just need to act
15:11 linuxmaniac: what do we have to do?
15:11 miconda: linuxmaniac: is it even before?!?
15:11 linuxmaniac: email for contact?
15:12 miconda: linuxmaniac: there was a proposal to make an address (email) where sensitive security issue to be sent
15:12 qxork: With it's own pgp key
15:12 miconda: with a (trusted) group of people behind
15:12 miconda: should be for incomming notifications
15:13 miconda: I think we can use announce mailing list managed by qxork now (

) or make a new one like security-alerts
15:13 qxork: I'm up for it
15:13 miconda: to send out reports
15:14 linuxmaniac: security-alerts sounds nice
15:14 qxork: This method seems to work for gpg and ssl projects
15:14 linuxmaniac: is going to be empty…
15:14 linuxmaniac:

15:15 miconda: then tech-admin group was created at some point, but somehow not used at all. this one is for internal tasks (like upgrading our servers on security issues with other apps, e.g., web server, db server, …)
15:16 linuxmaniac: yes, there is no much coordination
15:16 linuxmaniac: you are always doing all the work
15:16 miconda: I and qxork do that when we can, I guess
15:16 grumvalski: I am available to give an hand on this
15:16 grumvalski: if we want to create an internal group for such tasks
15:16 miconda: linuxmaniac: is a backup for access to main server,
15:17 miconda: grumvalski: ok, noted, thanks to jump in, it is needed
15:17 linuxmaniac: but problem is that we don't know what has to be done
15:17 miconda: also for access to main server, the guys from voztelecom (that host the server) are available: Oriol and Jesus
15:18 miconda: linuxmaniac: we also have to define that
15:18 miconda: it is mainly about doing upgrades to debian systems
15:19 qxork: probably time to update the dist for the lod servers. I can do that if no objections.
15:19 miconda: it's not huge stuff (apart of version upgrades), I managed myself for main server
15:19 linuxmaniac: I can do that
15:19 miconda: but sometime I travel and if there is a serious issue with apache or openssh, etc. someone should do it
15:19 miconda: linuxmaniac: I know, but we need to coordinate all these, that's why I wanted to discuss
15:20 linuxmaniac: maybe first we have to document what we have
15:20 qxork: thats a good idea
15:21 miconda: actually, I plan to start a more detailed discussion on mailing list about all project management and administration, so we do it properly, right now is a bit foggy in this area
15:21 linuxmaniac: maybe trying to migrate the configuration to ansible can be good too
15:21 miconda: people do not know who to aproach in some situations
15:21 miconda: linuxmaniac: that would be great if we can automate
15:21 miconda: but needs time
15:22 linuxmaniac: sure
15:22 linuxmaniac: but first we need to know what we have and what we want
15:22 linuxmaniac: I mean in terms of migrating to ansible
15:23 miconda: ok
15:23 miconda: anything new in terms of community interaction/communications that people would like to use?
15:23 miconda: maiing lists, github tools and irc are what we do for many years
15:24 qxork: they still work well
15:24 linuxmaniac: and I think is fine
15:24 linuxmaniac: do we really need anything else?
15:24 miconda: ok … it can be only parts of community that want to use something else, I ask only in the case we can facilitate that (e.g., host it)
15:25 miconda: good then, next topic
15:25 miconda: * project developent *
15:25 miconda: – repository cleanup
15:26 miconda: I think we can get rid of packaging specs specific for ser
15:26 miconda: nobody touched them for so long time
15:26 linuxmaniac: agreed
15:26 qxork: +!
15:26 miconda: eventually we can relocate in kamailio-obsolete repo
15:26 carsten_ng-voice: +1
15:27 miconda: not a cleanup per se, but many examples from misc/examples needs a bit of care
15:28 miconda: and then, some files from etc/ should be moved in examples
15:28 qxork: I'll see which ones I can work on for examples… was thinking the same about some tutorials
15:28 carsten_ng-voice: I totally agree - my examples for the IMS components are outdated, too.
15:29 miconda: from etc/ – should the radius dictionary be moved to auth_radius or misc_radius … what do you find more natural?
15:30 qxork: +1 for misc_
15:30 miconda: then the basic and advanced (oob) cfgs should be moved to examples
15:30 grumvalski: +1
15:30 miconda: the sip-router cfgs probably removed
15:30 miconda: the question is if the basic and advanced configs should still be installed in etc/
15:31 miconda: some people told me they are confusing
15:31 grumvalski: agree
15:31 linuxmaniac: radius dictionary… auth_radius?
15:31 grumvalski: may we have just an etc/ directory?
15:31 miconda: maybe we can install them in a shared subfolder (like subfolder of docs)
15:32 miconda: radius dict – some want auth_ some want misc_ …
15:32 grumvalski: yes, also because they are meant to be working configs
15:32 grumvalski: not examples
15:32 miconda: grumvalski: the thing is that with the time, they are not maintained same as main kamailio.cfg
15:33 grumvalski: time for testing tools

15:33 miconda: so maybe we can have a note at the top of kamailio.cfg that more examples are located in /…/share/…
15:33 grumvalski: but I agree that not everything should go there
15:34 grumvalski: and maybe have maintainers for them too?
15:34 miconda: so eventually /etc/kamailio/ has only what is actually used at runtime
15:34 linuxmaniac: yes please
15:34 qxork: I like this approach
15:34 grumvalski: miconda: like it
15:35 miconda: anything else that you think we should get rid of?
15:35 miconda: remove or relocate to kamailio-obsolete repo
15:35 linuxmaniac: miconda: maybe /etc/kamailio/radius/ for the radius dict?
15:35 miconda: linuxmaniac: it is not where is going to be installed
15:35 miconda: it can be in /etc/kamailio/
15:35 miconda: but where it is in the repo and how it is installed
15:36 miconda: for example, tls.cfg is in tls module folder and installed by tls module
15:36 miconda: tls.cfg is installed in etc/kamailio/
15:36 linuxmaniac: but that belongs to both auth_radius and misc_radius?
15:36 miconda: also dispatcher.list is in /etc/kamailio/
15:37 miconda: linuxmaniac: when we package, both modules are in the same package
15:37 Sergey: Think tls cert ned to store in /etc/kamailio
15:37 Sergey: Think tls cert need to store in /etc/kamailio
15:38 miconda: it is indeed a bit of a shared resource, but keeping it in core might not be the right place, it's what I try to sort out here
15:38 miconda: Sergey: yes, tls certs are generated in /etc/kamailio/
15:39 miconda: we can discuss further about radius dictionary via mailing list
15:39 linuxmaniac: ack
15:39 miconda: doesn't have to be a decission here
15:39 miconda: was more to start the topic and see what people think about
15:40 miconda: carsten_ng-voice: it's a long flight to Astricon, good time to update the ims examples

15:40 miconda: – missing features
15:40 miconda: as a next subtopic
15:40 miconda: is anything that you need and is not yet in kamailio?
15:41 qxork: not need, but would still love a b2bua module
15:41 miconda: (re: cleanup, to properly conclude – whenever you find something obsolete or think it should be relocate outside, just write to sr-dev)
15:42 carsten_ng-voice: Travelling with Wife and Kid…

15:42 miconda: carsten_ng-voice: then you have a good excuse that you need to work

15:43 miconda: no other feature missing?!
15:43 miconda: that's quite good then
15:43 carsten_ng-voice: I would love to use topos on an outbound proxy (for originating and terminating at the same time)
15:43 miconda: till 5.1 I have in mind 1-2 new modules
15:44 miconda: let's see how time is available
15:44 notthatdaniel: second topos wish
15:44 lazedo: not a feature, a devel release, that one could install and compile a module outside of kamailio tree and still have it load and run
15:44 miconda: carsten_ng-voice: probably it will get there, it's young and needs more time to keep adding stuff there
15:44 jchavanton: We started testing on topos recently, so far so good, we will do a lot more tests in the coming months
15:45 carsten_ng-voice: miconda: I totally understand

15:45 carsten_ng-voice: miconda: Too many topics on the agenda right now….
15:45 miconda: jchavanton: ok, testing and feedback helps a lot
15:45 grumvalski: join the wish for oubound support in topos :)
15:46 miconda: lazedo: not sure I get it
15:46 miconda: lazedo: can you elaborate a bit more?
15:46 notthatdaniel: guess lazedo wants to load modules by specifing a complete path
15:47 miconda: notthatdaniel: you can give absolute path to a module pointing anywhere on the system
15:47 lazedo: right now, we have to build kamailio locally in order to test new modules
15:47 linuxmaniac: I would say he wants kamailio-dev package and be able to build from there
15:48 Sergey: About new feature. I not tested but dor docker need to set memory config using environment vars.
15:48 lazedo: linuxmaniac: you are correct
15:48 Sergey: About new feature. I not tested but for docker need to set memory config using environment vars.
15:48 miconda: lazedo: you can build packages on another system
15:49 miconda: linuxmaniac, lazedo: like a package only with header files?
15:49 lazedo: miconda: well, i tried it the other day to build a module and apply it to a running env (stop/start), but the flags did not correspond and the module culdn’t be loaded
15:50 miconda: I guess this is only about someone taking the time to put this in a pkg and eventualluy update some include paths or flags to compiler in Makefile
15:50 lazedo: if i had the devel release of that installation , i could build my module (or patch an existing one) and only update/add that module
15:50 miconda: lazedo: the version has to be the same for core and modules
15:50 lazedo: version was the same, i guess its the flags that are compiled
15:50 lazedo: haven’t dig much into this
15:51 miconda: lazedo: we can tune on it, just open an issue and give some example there, so we can analyze and see what can be done
15:51 linuxmaniac: asterisk has something like that
15:51 miconda: Sergey: we will get to pkg and docker in the next topics
15:51 linuxmaniac: there is a asterisk-dev package with everything you need to build a module
15:51 lazedo: same for freeswitch
15:52 lazedo: and since they loadable modules, we can even doing it live :)
15:52 lazedo: but in kamailio, due to script binding i’m not expecting that
15:53 Sergey: lazedo: looks like need kamailio config reload without process restart.
15:53 linuxmaniac: is a good idea, but I don't know what we need to accomplish the kamailio-dev
15:54 miconda: Sergey: config routing rules writen in Lua, Squirrel and JS can be reloaded (and I think also python) without restarting
15:54 miconda: re -dev package, let's approach it over tracker/mailing lists, as lazedo comes with some details and example
15:55 lazedo: miconda: agreed
15:55 miconda: anything else? or next topic …
15:55 miconda: – conding style
15:56 miconda: we kind of have a gentlemen agreement that one can use it's own coding style, the other will try to follow when contributing to that part of code
15:56 miconda: but over the time, devs come and go
15:57 miconda: some components lost the maintainer and the coding style is different, in some cases quite odd I would say …
15:57 miconda: I was wondering if we should require a specific conding style that we can agree on
15:57 miconda: clang-format is rather good at doing it
15:57 miconda: with that the code format will look the same everywhere
15:58 miconda: there is already a .clang-format in the root folder that can be used
15:59 miconda: I do it from time to time
15:59 qxork: I know that can integrate in vim… does it in other writers?
15:59 miconda: qxork: it can even be enforced via some git hooks
15:59 linuxmaniac: We need a common code style
15:59 miconda: I use clang-format from command line
16:00 lazedo: +1 common code style
16:00 linuxmaniac: We need to force it
16:00 linuxmaniac: enforce
16:00 miconda: the topic here is to see if people consider that a good thing and be approached via mailing list with the rest of devs, or they feel unconformtable and should leave it like it is now
16:00 miconda: ok, so nobody against it here …
16:00 miconda: … yet
16:01 miconda: I will prepare an email and send it over the mailing lists
16:01 linuxmaniac: examples of different editors and clang-format
16:02 miconda: with this email I will also try to propose some rules for naming vars/functions/etc (mainly the ones that are exported to config)
16:02 miconda: linuxmaniac: will check it
16:03 miconda: next topic?!?
16:03 miconda: – unit tests
16:03 linuxmaniac: I would say functional tests
16:04 miconda: approached few times in the past, not actual work on it, appart of Mikki who cleaned up what we had and added few new
16:04 miconda: linuxmaniac: more types of tests, the better

16:05 miconda: we need to approach this somehow, but likely it needs an onsite meeting to get things moved on
16:05 miconda: let's see what we can do in the near future
16:05 miconda: we'll follow up via mailing lists
16:06 miconda: – documentation
16:06 miconda: the main one here is how to document the kemi exports
16:07 miconda: they follow more or less the standard cfg exports, but sometimes there are variants
16:07 miconda: shall we put them in the docbook file used now?
16:07 miconda: if yes, how?
16:07 miconda: or make new docs dedicated for them?
16:07 miconda: maybe doxygen?
16:08 miconda: for kemi exports is quite important to document the return codes
16:08 linuxmaniac: doxygen seems right, documentation in the code
16:09 linuxmaniac: enforcing documentation for kemi exports seems a nice idea
16:09 miconda: linuxmaniac: there is a slightly difference in the signature, as sip msg pointer is not given from kemi scripts, but that can be documented somewhere else
16:10 miconda: then, should other tutorials be migrated from wiki to markdown and kept in github?
16:10 miconda: I started with the installation guide, being specific per version
16:10 miconda: we discussed last time, from the perspective of having devs commiting in github, rather that going to an external wiki site
16:11 linuxmaniac: I think the changes to DB
16:12 linuxmaniac: I mean … the upgrade from one mayor version to another
16:12 carsten_ng-voice: Got to run - CU next time!
16:12 miconda: linuxmaniac: right, I wanted to discuss also about changes to db
16:12 miconda: when to increase the version number or find an alternative
16:13 miconda: linuxmaniac: ok with upgrade guide
16:13 miconda: more stuff for mailing list …
16:13 miconda: next topic …
16:13 miconda: – packaging
16:14 miconda: thanks to Sergey (I guess), rpm packaging gets better and better
16:14 Sergey: I suggest to use one RPM SPEC file for all RPM based dists
16:14 miconda: the question is how to keep that
16:15 miconda: Sergey: can obs
spec be used to build rpms on a local system (e.g., centos 7)?
16:15 Sergey: I prepared OBS SEPC file with support HEL, Fedora, OpenSUSE dist
16:15 Sergey: Yes, obs may be used to build local dist. OBS macro is removed now
16:15 miconda: Sergey: yes, but I need to use that
spec on OBS, right?
16:15 linuxmaniac: see pkg/kamailio/deb/backports as a reference of what I do in deb world
16:16 Sergey: No, you can use this SPEC on local PC too
16:16 miconda: Sergey: I would try to avoid keeping symlinks in repo
16:16 linuxmaniac: I mean… I use one as reference and the script updates the files as needed
16:16 linuxmaniac: and I commit them
16:16 miconda: we can add makefile rules to create them as needed
16:16 miconda: for exampe 'make deb' creates the 'debian' symlink in root folder pointing to pkg/kamailio/deb/…
16:17 miconda: the problem with symlinks is that if a
spec has to be diverged, the object in git repo cannot be replaced (afaik)
16:17 Sergey: miconda we can to as you say. But what is bad in simlink?
16:18 Sergey: Ok. Accepted
16:18 miconda: we used to have pkg/kamailio/debian
16:18 miconda: then we needed to have specs for each debian version (the latest)
16:18 miconda: we couldn't reuse pkg/kamailio/debian, we had to do pkg/kamailio/deb/subfolder
16:19 miconda: I can't remeber exactly the issue
16:19 miconda: but if you remove a folder (file or path) and try to add it again, there are some issue with git objects and references
16:19 Sergey: RPM packaging is different than deb. Think debin folder cannot be used
16:19 linuxmaniac: and as I said, I maintain them with backports/*
16:19 miconda: that is what I have in mind from that moment
16:20 miconda: so, as a symlink is just a shortcut that is needed for the time of building something, I would not store it in git
16:21 qxork: sorry I just caught up
16:21 qxork: I need to become more familiar with doxygen but am committed to help more with docuentation
16:22 Sergey: I not have big experience with git. Than i simple trust that is mor simple to manage git repo and prevents conflicts.
16:22 miconda: qxork: ok, thanks
16:22 Sergey: Also one more question
16:23 miconda: Sergey: not much of a git expert here, that's why I try not to put there what is not needed
16:23 skrusty: can someone tell me what the lifetime of $var is please? I am setting a $var in accounting, but getting values that are from other calls (it would seem). Just trying to understand in what context that value would persist.
16:23 Sergey: We also can simple package kamailio for Oracle linux. But this dist not provided by OBS. May be also package using other staff?
16:24 skrusty: oh sorry, didn't realise it was dev meeting
16:24 andrew_p: skrusty: it's set per lifetime of kamailio child serving the request…
16:25 linuxmaniac: Sergey: I don't get the question
16:25 miconda: Sergey: I propose to have obs folder as now, then for each distro supported by obs, have own folder with a README giving instructions how to build it
16:25 skrusty: andrew_p: thanks
16:26 miconda: Sergey: and also a Makefile to create subfolders for each
OS version
16:26 miconda: Sergey: I can probably add something in the next days as an example
16:27 Sergey: miconda understand.
16:28 miconda: Sergey: really apreciating your efforts here, it's been a long time when rpm specs were not properly maintained
16:28 miconda: so we do need a cleanup
16:29 Sergey: I can simple remove not supported dists like fedora 18, 19
16:29 miconda: remove old stuff that I typically just increase version number, but they were not maintained, just kept in case someone will pick up
16:30 miconda: Sergey: ok, let's first get an agreement on how to link everything with obs, then remove what's old/not needed
16:30 Sergey: Also CentOS SPEC. How about this also remove and create REAME how to build?
16:30 miconda: will continue via email or tracker on github
16:30 miconda: – virualization and/or containers
16:30 miconda: as next topic
16:31 miconda: also from Sergey, a docket container file
16:31 miconda: linuxmaniac does already some stuff with docker for travis-ci
16:31 Sergey: I also packaged and suggest to publish this on docker hub
16:31 miconda: how should we structure that?
16:32 miconda: linuxmaniac: can we make a new sub-project on doker hub?
16:32 miconda: I think yiou have one dedicated for travis
16:33 linuxmaniac: We can create kamailio/kamailio
16:33 miconda: onther question in this topic: do you think preparing some vm images will help?
16:33 miconda: linuxmaniac: should it be also with os name
16:33 miconda: like kamailio/kamailio-debian
16:33 lazedo: oops, this topic reminded me of a feature question/wish, are we already able to use environment variables in kamailio config script ?
16:34 linuxmaniac: uhm… not sure about that
16:34 miconda: lazedo: someone added that feature, iirc
16:34 lazedo: the docker images for travis aet awesome for making builds, wanted to thank you linuxmaniac :)
16:34 Sergey: This easily resolve as tags like kamailio/kamailio:debian or kamailio/kamailio:alpine
16:34 linuxmaniac: lazedo: thanks!
16:34 miconda: lazedo: as a pv, not as a predefine replacemet
16:35 linuxmaniac: we need to think about versions too
16:35 lazedo: miconda: ah, that was i was looking for (replacement). tks
16:35 miconda: lazedo: you can use -A to replace a define in config
16:36 lazedo: miconda: looks interesting, looking into that. tks again
16:37 Sergey: How about kamailio on docker hub? We crating this
16:37 miconda: lazedo: iirc: kamailio -A DBHOST='localhost' to relplace DBHOST with localhost all over config
16:37 miconda: Sergey: yes, the question is about naming the repo
16:37 miconda: should it be like: kamailio/kamailio-debian
16:38 Sergey: i suggest simple kamailio/kamailio
16:38 miconda: or: kamailio/kamailio-debian-wheezy
16:38 miconda: Sergey: but for kamailio/kamailio, can we host many
OS under the same?
16:38 qxork: +1 for dist-version
16:39 miconda: miconda: I am not familiar with docker, I just ask questions coming in my mind based on past experience with similar stuff
16:39 lazedo: kamailio/kamailio (choose a dist), then provide other dist kamailio/kamailio:stretch , …
16:39 Sergey: one one place you can see all version. Tags is designed for this
16:39 miconda: Sergey: I am fine with it, then
16:39 lazedo: Tags is the way to go
16:39 qxork: nice
16:40 miconda: anything else left here?
16:40 miconda: still the question about if vm images will help the community somehow
16:40 miconda: I do install from sources or debs, and that works fine and fast for me
16:40 linuxmaniac: wait
16:40 miconda: so just asking …
16:41 linuxmaniac: the docker naming thing needs to be discussed
16:41 Sergey: Docker containers isconfigred using environment vars. Need to configure kamailio memory using vars
16:41 qxork: if we're going to do vm, are we going to fight over which
16:41 Sergey: with out keys
16:41 linuxmaniac: I propose a new repo for the docker files
16:42 linuxmaniac: so there we can keep the different files needed for dockerhub
16:42 lazedo: agree with linuxmaniac
16:42 miconda: Sergey: does not work with command line params? -m $SHMSIZE -M $PKGSIZE
16:42 Sergey: no is bad. If dockerfiles located in main repo then on each update on main repo docker hub automticali rebuild required imags.
16:43 miconda: linuxmaniac: you propose like kamailio-docker on github.com/kamailio ?
16:43 Sergey: Es example when you make commit to master verions then you alwais have latest kamailio:master
16:43 linuxmaniac: I don't plan to have kamilio:master
16:43 Sergey: Or kamailio:5.1 or kamailio:5.1.0
16:43 linuxmaniac: more like kamailio5.1:stretch
16:43 Sergey: master is tag.
16:44 Sergey: not repo
16:44 linuxmaniac: kamailio5.1:alphine
16:44 linuxmaniac: not really sure about the underlying distrubution
16:45 linuxmaniac: in docker it doesn't matter
16:46 lazedo: but if one wants to extend the existing images, he can choose the base thhat best suits him
16:46 miconda: Sergey, linuxmaniac - maybe you can agree in between you with naming, then email or add on github tracker for an overall opinion and then go ahead
16:46 linuxmaniac: if we decide to use debian as base distribution… is quite simple to provide a docker with our own debs
16:46 Sergey: miconda: to pass keys -m and -M need to use entrypoin.sh script I want to remove this
16:47 linuxmaniac: eloycoto: great thanks
16:48 eloycoto: ping me if you need help

16:48 Sergey: all official docker images is have version and dist in tags. I suggest do to same way
16:50 miconda: so we have a team here: eloycoto, lazedo, linuxmaniac and Sergey
16:50 linuxmaniac: so 5.0-stretch 5.1-alpine
16:50 miconda: you can try to find something that works the best for everyone, for me it's all ok
16:51 miconda: anything else to be discussed?
16:51 miconda: if not, next topic
16:51 Sergey: linuxmaniac accepted
16:51 miconda: collaborative projects/events
16:52 Sergey: miconda: to pass keys -m and -M need to use entrypoin.sh script I want to remove this
16:52 miconda: Sergey: I will try to see what implies and then follow up
16:52 miconda: maybe you open an issue on tracker just not to forget about
16:52 Sergey: Ok
16:53 miconda: back to collaboration – also from last irc devel meeting … a proposal to try to have some online sessions for working on some stuff
16:53 miconda: like docs migrations
16:54 miconda: it didn't happen so far, summer holidays, but we can look at doing one for a test and see who joins
16:54 miconda: then, it was also about having a developeres meeting in person for 2-3 days
16:54 linuxmaniac: just propose a date for the on-line session
16:55 linuxmaniac: or dates
16:55 linuxmaniac: like you do for
IRC meetings
16:55 miconda: linuxmaniac: I will try to do it soon
16:55 miconda: need also to propose the topic of work
16:56 miconda: for onsite meeting, Olle was interested, but he is not here …
16:57 miconda: if there is interest, our friends at sipgate in Dusseldorf can host, I can arrange something for Berlin, maybe others can do it at other locations, but first we have to see if there is interest
16:57 miconda: one will have to conver traveling/accommodation costs
16:57 miconda: s/conver/cover/
16:58 linuxmaniac: I think that would be really nice
16:58 miconda: I would say we need 5-6 people that want, to just start planning it
16:58 linuxmaniac: count with me
16:58 miconda: linuxmaniac: ok
16:58 miconda: I will ping other devs that are not here today and see
16:58 qxork: this is for dev, right?
16:58 eloycoto: miconda, I think that Fosdem can host pre/post events for communities
16:58 miconda: likely cannot be done before end of noveber or so
16:58 miconda: eloycoto: that's an idea, too
17:00 miconda: eloycoto: the only issue with fosdem is that people are in mood for beer at that event

17:00 miconda: let's see what comes up after discussing with other devs not here now
17:00 miconda: I and linuxmaniac are counted
17:01 miconda: qxork: not only for devs, but for dev related work (e.g., write docs)
17:01 grumvalski: coun also on me for a live meeting
17:01 qxork: ack
17:01 miconda: qxork: I mean, not an event to share how to use kamailio, but an event for working on stuff (code, docs, administration, …)
17:01 miconda: grumvalski: ok
17:02 miconda: two hours already … long agenda this time

17:02 lazedo: not commiting but, i have interest in such meeting
17:02 miconda: lazedo: ok – Lisbon is not a bad place to do it

17:03 grumvalski: +1
17:03 miconda: to finish the (written) agenda, last topic
17:03 miconda: – roadmap to 5.1
17:04 miconda: proposed via mailing list few days ago:
17:04 miconda: - Mon, Oct 16, 2017 - freeze the development
17:04 miconda: - in 3-4 weeks after that, create the branch 5.1
17:04 miconda: - 2-3 weeks after, do the release of v5.1.0
17:05 miconda: anyone working on something that wants in 5.1 and not time for it according to above timelines?
17:05 qxork: works for me
17:05 grumvalski: fine for me
17:05 miconda: ok
17:06 miconda: then new topics, if you want to discuss
17:06 miconda: or just free discussions
17:07 qxork: I'm already looking forward to KamailioWorld 2018
17:07 miconda: I'll see some of you at Astricon … qxork, carsten, torrey, …
17:07 grumvalski: I've thinking since a while in a zmq module :)
17:07 miconda: qxork: hopefully we will be able to sort out the dates very soon
17:07 qxork: nice!
17:08 miconda: btw, any events in your area that you know it worth going and presenting about kamailio?
17:08 qxork: I'm hoping to add something to ITEXPO this year
17:08 miconda: if anyone does it (e.g., local group meetups), we can post a news about and store the slides for later view on kamailio.org
17:09 miconda: qxork: great! it can be also smaller events, like those organized via meetup.com
17:10 miconda: I tried also to go to some univeristies or institues when they have events about RTC or open source
17:10 linuxmaniac: have to go, see you later!
17:10 miconda: I would like to see more of the people in community doing it
17:11 miconda: linuxmaniac: thanks a lot, have a great evening!
17:11 grumvalski: linuxmaniac: hasta pronto!
17:11 qxork: take care linuxmaniac!
17:14 miconda: ok, then all finished for devel meeting!
17:14 miconda: thanks everyone!
17:14 lazedo: thank you for bringing this up miconda
17:14 qxork: thank you @miconda
17:14 grumvalski: thank you!
17:14 miconda: welcome!
17:14 notthatdaniel: thanks for the info and goodbye
17:15 miconda: bye!
17:16 jchavanton: good spirit guys ! have a nice day
17:17 miconda: jchavanton: thanks! do not forget about the issue you opened with processes, I asked more details there
17:18 jchavanton: sorry I was not notified automaticaly, I will follow up