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cookbooks:devel:core [2020/04/03 09:34]
henningw [mem_join]
cookbooks:devel:core [2020/04/09 11:39]
miconda [Log Engine CLI Parameter]
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 ==== route_locks_size ==== ==== route_locks_size ====
-Set the number of mutex locks to be used for synchronizing the execution of messages sharing the same Call-Id. In other words, enables Kamailio to execute sequentially the requests and replies received within the same dialog -- a new message received within the same dialog waits until the previous one is routed out.+Set the number of mutex locks to be used for synchronizing the execution of messages sharing the same Call-Id. In other words, enables Kamailio to execute the config script sequentially for the requests and replies received within the same dialog -- a new message received within the same dialog waits until the previous one is routed out.
-For smaller impact on parallel processing, its value it should be at least twice the number of kamailio processes (children+For smaller impact on parallel processing, its value it should be at least twice the number of Kamailio processes (all children processes).
 Example: Example:
Line 1552: Line 1552:
 route_locks_size = 256 route_locks_size = 256
 </code> </code>
 +Note that ordering of the SIP messages can still be changed by network transmission (quite likely for UDP, especially on long distance paths) or CPU allocation for processes when executing pre-config and post-config tasks (very low chance, but not to be ruled out completely).
 ==== server_id ==== ==== server_id ====
Line 3593: Line 3595:
       Example: if (defined $v && !strempty($v)) $len=strlen($v);       Example: if (defined $v && !strempty($v)) $len=strlen($v);
 +===== Command Line Parameters =====
 +Kamailio can be started with a set of command line parameters, providing more flexibility to control what is doing at runtime. Some of them can be quite useful when running on containerised environments.
 +To see the the available command line parameters, run **kamailio -h**:
 +# kamailio -h
 +version: kamailio 5.4.0-dev4 (x86_64/darwin) 8c1864
 +Usage: kamailio [options]
 +    -a mode      Auto aliases mode: enable with yes or on,
 +                  disable with no or off
 +    --alias=val  Add an alias, the value has to be '[proto:]hostname[:port]'
 +                  (like for 'alias' global parameter)
 +    -A define    Add config pre-processor define (e.g., -A WITH_AUTH,
 +                  -A 'FLT_ACC=1', -A 'DEFVAL="str-val"')
 +    -b nr        Maximum receive buffer size which will not be exceeded by
 +                  auto-probing procedure even if  OS allows
 +    -c           Check configuration file for syntax errors
 +    -d           Debugging mode (multiple -d increase the level)
 +    -D           Control how daemonize is done:
 +         not fork (almost) anyway;
 +         not daemonize creator;
 +                  -DDD..daemonize (default)
 +    -e           Log messages printed in terminal colors (requires -E)
 +    -E           Log to stderr
 +    -f file      Configuration file (default: /usr/local/etc/kamailio/kamailio.cfg)
 +    -g gid       Change gid (group id)
 +    -G file      Create a pgid file
 +    -h           This help message
 +    --help       Long option for `-h`
 +    -I           Print more internal compile flags and options
 +    -K           Turn on "via:" host checking when forwarding replies
 +    -l address   Listen on the specified address/interface (multiple -l
 +                  mean listening on more addresses). The address format is
 +                  [proto:]addr_lst[:port][/advaddr],
 +                  where proto=udp|tcp|tls|sctp,
 +                  addr_lst= addr|(addr, addr_lst),
 +                  addr=host|ip_address|interface_name and
 +                  advaddr=addr[:port] (advertised address).
 +                  E.g: -l localhost, -l udp:, -l eth0:5062,
 +                  -l udp:,
 +                  -l "sctp:(eth0)", -l "(eth0, eth1,".
 +                  The default behaviour is to listen on all the interfaces.
 +    --loadmodule=name load the module specified by name
 +    --log-engine=log engine name and data
 +    -L path      Modules search path (default: /usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules)
 +    -m nr        Size of shared memory allocated in Megabytes
 +    --modparam=modname:paramname:type:value set the module parameter
 +                  type has to be 's' for string value and 'i' for int value,
 +                  example:
 +    -M nr        Size of private memory allocated, in Megabytes
 +    -n processes Number of child processes to fork per interface
 +                  (default: 8)
 +    -N           Number of tcp child processes (default: equal to `-n')
 +    -O nr        Script optimization level (debugging option)
 +    -P file      Create a pid file
 +    -Q           Number of sctp child processes (default: equal to `-n')
 +    -r           Use dns to check if is necessary to add a "received="
 +                  field to a via
 +    -R           Same as `-r` but use reverse dns;
 +                  (to use both use `-rR`)
 +    --server-id=num set the value for server_id
 +    --subst=exp set a subst preprocessor directive
 +    --substdef=exp set a substdef preprocessor directive
 +    --substdefs=exp set a substdefs preprocessor directive
 +    -S           disable sctp
 +    -t dir       Chroot to "dir"
 +    -T           Disable tcp
 +    -u uid       Change uid (user id)
 +    -v           Version number
 +    --version    Long option for `-v`
 +    -V           Alternative for `-v`
 +    -x name      Specify internal manager for shared memory (shm)
 +                  - can be: fm, qm or tlsf
 +    -X name      Specify internal manager for private memory (pkg)
 +                  - if omitted, the one for shm is used
 +    -Y dir       Runtime dir path
 +    -w dir       Change the working directory to "dir" (default: "/")
 +    -W type      poll method (depending on support in OS, it can be: poll,
 +                  epoll_lt, epoll_et, sigio_rt, select, kqueue, /dev/poll)
 +==== Log Engine CLI Parameter ====
 +The **--log-engine** parameter allows to specify what logging engine to be used, which is practically about the format of the log messages. If not set at all, then Kamailio does the classic style of line-based plain text log messages.
 +The value of this parameter can be **--log-engine=name** or **--log-engine=name:data**.
 +The name of the log engine can be:
 +  * **json** - write logs in structured JSON format
 +    * the **data** for **json** log engine can be a set of character flags:
 +      * **a** - add log prefix as a special field
 +      * **A** - do not add log prefix
 +      * **c** - add Call-ID (when available) as a dedicated JSON attribute
 +      * **M** - strip EOL ('\n') from the value of the log message field
 +      * **N** - do not add EOL at the end of JSON document
 +Example of JSON logs when running Kamailio with "**--log-engine=json:M**" :
 +{ "idx": 1, "pid": 18239, "level": "DEBUG", "module": "maxfwd", "file": "mf_funcs.c", "line": 74, "function": "is_maxfwd_present", "logprefix": "{1 1 OPTIONS 715678756@} ", "message": "value = 70 " }
 +{ "idx": 1, "pid": 18239, "level": "DEBUG", "module": "core", "file": "core/socket_info.c", "line": 644, "function": "grep_sock_info", "logprefix": "{1 1 OPTIONS 715678756@} ", "message": "checking if host==us: 9==9 && [] == []" }
cookbooks/devel/core.txt ยท Last modified: 2022/04/11 17:10 by bkaufman