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tutorials:security:kamailio-security [2014/01/28 16:43]
tutorials:security:kamailio-security [2014/01/28 17:09]
Line 192: Line 192:
 ==== Fail2Ban ==== ==== Fail2Ban ====
 +Fail2ban can scan syslog files for specific messages based on regular expressions and act upon matching by banning IP addresses.
 +Therefore you can print such message to syslog using xlog(). Fail2ban will match it and ban the traffic coming from the IP address you mention in the message.
 +Create /etc/fail2ban/filter.d/kamailio.conf with following content:
 +# filter for kamailio messages
 +failregex = Blocking traffic from <HOST>
 +Edit /etc/fail2ban/jail.conf and add:
 +findtime  = 600
 +enabled  = true
 +filter   = kamailio
 +action   = iptables-allports[name=KAMAILIO, protocol=all]
 +logpath  = /var/log/kamailio.log # update it with your kamailio log path
 +maxretry = 10
 +bantime  = 1800
 +In Kamailio configuration, use next line whenever you want to ban an IP for half an hour:
 +xlog("Blocking traffic from $si\n");
 +Note: $si is a config file variable that expands at runtime to source IP address. In the syslog you will get messages like:
 +... Blocking traffic from
 +For example, plugging it in the above Kamailio snippets:
 + $var(exp) = $Ts - 900;
 +        if($sht(a=>$au::last_auth) > $var(exp))
 +        {
 +            sl_send_reply("403", "Try later");
 +            xlog("Blocking traffic from $si\n");
 +            exit;
 +        } else {
 +            $sht(a=>$au::auth_count) = 0;
 +        }
 +Now, with this logic, if a user fails to authenticate 3 times in a row during 15 minutes, then the IP address of last registration attempt is blocked in firewall for half an hour by fail2ban.
 +You can do something similar for pike alerts.
tutorials/security/kamailio-security.txt ยท Last modified: 2019/05/23 12:42 by pepelux