Kamailio Available Targets

This document lists all available targets for Kamailio with CMake, providing a brief description of each.

Use make target_name to execute the desired target in the build folder.

Build Targets

  • all: Builds all components (core and modules) of Kamailio.
  • clean: Cleans up the build directory by removing all generated files.
  • GenerateParser: Generates the configuration parser source files from the configuration parser grammar files.
  • kamailio: Builds the Kamailio core.
  • modules: Builds all the enabled modules.
  • : Compile module with name module_name, ie make acc for acc module.

  • kamctl: Builds the kamctl utility, which is used for managing Kamailio configurations. (even though kamctl does not require building, there are some config files that are generated during the build process)

  • kamdbctl: Builds the kamdbctl utility, which is used for managing Kamailio databases. (even though kamdbctl does not require building, there are some config files that are generated during the build process)
  • kamcmd: Builds the kamcmd utility.
  • dbschema: Generates the database schema for all databases used by Kamailio that are enabled in the configuration (db_* modules). Note: This target is NOT included in the default all target. You need to run it separately. If you want to install the schema, make sure to build it first.__
  • dbschema_: Generates the database schema for a specific database. Replace <db_name> with the actual database name, such as mysql, postgres, db_berkeley, etc. See kamctl folder structure for exact naming.
  • dbschema__clean: Cleans up the database schema for a specific database. Replace <db_name> with the actual database name, such as mysql, postgres, db_berkeley, etc. See kamctl folder structure for exact naming.
  • dbschema_clean: Cleans up the database schema for all databases used by Kamailio that are enabled in the configuration (db_* modules).

Install Targets

  • install: Installs the built components to the specified directory.
  • uninstall: Uninstalls the previously installed components.
  • install-kamailio-utils: Installs the Kamailio utilities (kamctl and kamdbctl) and kamailio congiguration files.
  • install-kamailio-utils-bin: Installs the Kamailio utilities binaries (kamctl kamdbctl).
  • install-kamailio-utils-cfg: Installs the Kamailio utilities configuration files (kamctlrc kamailio.cfg).
  • install_kamailio_docs: Installs the Kamailio documentation.

Documentation Targets

  • kamailio_docs: Generates the documentation for Kamailio and it's modules.
  • _doc: Generates the documentation for a specific module. Replace module_name with the actual module name.
    • _doc_text: Generates the documentation for a specific module in text format.
    • _doc_html: Generates the documentation for a specific module in HTML format.
    • _readme: Generates the documentation for a specific module in README format in the source code tree of each module.
  • kamailio_docs_man: Generates the man pages for ALL modules.
  • _man: Generates the man page for a specific module if available. Replace module_name with the actual module name.
  • kamailio_docs_readme: Generates the documentation for ALL modules in README format in the source code tree of each module. Note: This will overwrite the existing README files.

  • man: Creates the manual pages for Kamailio core and utils.

  • kamctl_man: Creates the manual page for the kamctl and kamdbctl utils.
  • kamdcmd_man: Creates the manual page for the kamcmdutil.