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development:irc-meeting-agenda-20-04-2007 [2007/04/18 12:37]
development:irc-meeting-agenda-20-04-2007 [2007/04/20 02:00] (current)
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 +//Just add your questions and remarks on the bottom of the page.//
 +This meeting is meant to discuss the latest developments in and around OpenSER.
 +It will be held on friday the 20-04-2007 at 13:00 GMT ([[http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter.html|Time converter]]) in the #openser channel on irc.freenode.net.
 +====== Agenda ======
 +===== Experiences with OpenSER 1.2 =====
 +  * one month after the release
 +  * problems?
 +  * any annoyances?
 +  * migration plans
 +===== OpenSER project =====
 +* hosting for the web/ftp/deb site (server, migration, admin)
 +* are we happy with SF? alternatives
 +* compile farm options? SF does not provide this service anymore 
 +===== State of OpenSER Documentation =====
 +  * for developers
 +  * doxygen code documentation
 +  * starting guide for users
 +===== RTPProxy =====
 +* some patches are on our tracker (miconda attempted to contract RTPProxy developer, but no feedback so far, should re-attempt)
 +* some expressed on IRC and mailing lists intention to enhace RTPProxy (transcoding, accounting, ...)
 +* decision to be taken: how to proceed?
 +===== Next release =====
 +  * major release in six months?
 +  * Roadmap?
 +  * features currently in development
 +  * minor releases?
 +  * how to handle p2psip ?
 +===== Q&A Section =====
 +^ Your name      ^  Question          ^
 +| SebastienTricaud | What do you think of having several libraries handling specific OpenSER related operations. Such as libopenserbase for handling basic operations (memory etc..) or libsipparser for parsing sip only ? Thus other projects could use it instead of having to reinvent the wheel. I am in this situation where I use OpenSER SIP parser only that I libified for custom purposes. |
 +| Cesc Santa | I think this would be great, but it requires quite some re-write, I think. But modularization would go a long way, making it easier to understand the codebase and get new people and projects on board. |
 +| SebastienTricaud | Since I am very interested by this, I would like to propose several patches to go in that direction. First of all I'd like to know whether it would be accepted or not (not its quality, its goal) |
 +| Henning | we can talk later on this, as part of the openser roadmap discussion there should be time for your question. |
 +| SebastienTricaud | Sure, do you know when this will happen ? |
 +| ... | ... |