sr-dev May 2022
  • 12 participants
  • 285 discussions

[kamailio/kamailio] [stirshaken] add identity header in reply messages or to a separate variable (#2770)
by sergei lavrov
2 years, 3 months

[kamailio/kamailio] secfilter: Wrong format on RPC response data (Issue #2992)
by Olle E. Johansson
2 years, 3 months

[kamailio/kamailio] topos breaking update messages (Issue #3090)
by Simone de Blasiis
2 years, 4 months

[kamailio/kamailio] topos breaks early-dialog update even on 5.6.0~rc0 (Issue #3112)
by George Diamantopoulos
2 years, 5 months

git:master:26ef622f: dialog: Terminate dialogs in Early stage and add functionality to send messages within a dialog
by Carsten Bock
2 years, 5 months

[kamailio/kamailio] kamctl - maintenance for tool (#2469)
by Daniel-Constantin Mierla
2 years, 5 months

[kamailio/kamailio] [kamctl] Dispatcher operations in a case of db_text are mostly incorrect (#2464)
by Igor Olhovskiy
2 years, 5 months

[kamailio/kamailio] The acc modules writes a random string into the sip_reason field for an ACK message (FAKED_REPLY) (Issue #2981)
by Frits Wiersma
2 years, 5 months

[kamailio/kamailio] Database TLS connection through cnf file: TLS error followed by memory corruption messages (Issue #3115)
by liviu-rolo
2 years, 5 months

[kamailio/kamailio] Kamailio 5.5.4 siputils doesn't validate long Austrian numbers as valid e164 (Issue #3117)
by Simone de Blasiis
2 years, 5 months
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