As mobile applications based on kamailio are growing exponentially on Play Store and App Store, i would suggest if you could add by default the code for ios/android push notifications.
I have problems mainly for incoming call (phone wakeup) on linphone iphone app, as kamailio is missing the push solution. On Android i am using Baresip and works perfect without push.
Navigating on the web, i found some uncomplete or minimum tutorials to implement this. Like: https://denys-pozniak.medium.com/apple-push-notification-with-kamailio-eeca2...
And also some code snippets of a modification of "kamailio.cfg" to add support for ios push notifications. (see below). Could someone have this already working? Or kamailio official developers could add this by default inside source code?
`# keep a record of an IPhone for 4 hours modparam("htable", "htable", "iphone_remote=>size=10;autoexpire=14400;") modparam("htable", "htable", "iphone_voip=>size=10;autoexpire=14400;") modparam("htable", "htable", "iphone_check=>size=10;autoexpire=14400;") modparam("htable", "htable", "vtp=>size=10;autoexpire=120;")
route[REGISTRAR] {
if (save("location")) {
# user registered, now look at the useragent header for iPhone string if ($hdr(User-Agent)=~"LinphoneiOS.*") {
$var(uri) = @contact.uri; # select the uri from contact header $var(pn-prid) = $(var(uri){uri.param,pn-prid}); # get the uri param pn-prid from the uri, i.e. 1DF26BC10F597676B xlog("!!!! - $var(pn-prid)"); $var(i) = 0; $var(n) = $(var(pn-prid){s.count,&});
while( $var(i) <= $var(n)) { $var(pn-prid_item) = $(var(pn-prid){s.select,$var(i),&}); $var(pn-prid_type) = $(var(pn-prid_item){s.select,1,:}); $var(pn-prid_token) = $(var(pn-prid_item){s.select,0,:});
if ( $var(pn-prid_type) == "remote" ) { $var(pn-prid_remote) = $(var(pn-prid_item){s.select,0,:}) ; } if ( $var(pn-prid_type) == "voip" ) { $var(pn-prid_voip) = $(var(pn-prid_item){s.select,0,:}) ; } $var(i) = $var(i) + 1; }
xlog("L_INFO","iPhone PUSH tokens for user $fU - remote: $var(pn-prid_remote), voip: $var(pn-prid_voip)");
# store the values of tokens to htable with fromUser as key $sht(iphone_remote=>$fU) = $var(pn-prid_remote); $sht(iphone_voip=>$fU) = $var(pn-prid_voip); $sht(iphone_check=>$fU) = 1;
if ( $sht(vtp=>id_index::$tU) != $null ) { xlog("L_INFO", "New $rm ru=$ru tu=$tu \n"); route(JOIN); }
} else { # no iphone $sht(iphone_check=>$fU) = 0; }
route[LOCATION] {
if (!lookup("location")) { $var(rc) = $rc;
# handle PUSH notifications for iPhone # iphones should not be registered and contacts stored in database # hence lookup should fail and we need to try to push iphone first if ($sht(iphone_check=>$tU) == 1) { xlog("L_ERR", "[PUSH] The to user has already used iPhone, trying push notifications"); xlog("L_ERR", "[PUSH] No registration to try, suspending."); sl_send_reply("100", "Suspending"); route(SUSPEND); route(RELAY); exit; } ...
if (is_method("INVITE")) { setflag(FLT_ACCMISSED);
# handle PUSH notifications for iPhone # in some cases, iphone does not send de-register when going to background # for these circumstances, push iphone even if it has an active registration if ($sht(iphone_check=>$tU) == 1) { xlog("L_ERR", "[PUSH] The to user has already used iPhone, trying push notifications"); xlog("L_ERR", "[PUSH] No registration to try, suspending."); sl_send_reply("100", "Suspending"); route(SUSPEND); }
} route(RELAY); exit; }
route[SUSPEND] { if ( !t_suspend() ) { xlog("L_ERROR","[SUSPEND] failed suspending trasaction [$T(id_index):$T(id_label)]\n"); send_reply("501", "Suspending error"); exit; } else { xlog("L_INFO","[SUSPEND] suspended transaction [$T(id_index):$T(id_label)] $fU=> $rU\n"); $sht(vtp=>id_index::$rU) = $T(id_index); $sht(vtp=>id_label::$rU) = $T(id_label); xlog("L_INFO","[SUSPEND] htable key value [$sht(vtp=>id_index::$rU) -- $sht(vtp=>id_label::$rU)]\n"); route(SENDPUSH); exit; } }
route[SENDPUSH] { #http_client_query("http://url/push.php"http://url/push.php, "user=$rU\r\npn-tok=$sht(tokens=>$rU)\r\n","Content-Type: text/plain", "$var(result)"); xlog("!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PUSH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"); xlog("/opt/push/push.sh $ci $sht(iphone_voip=>$tU)"); exec_avp("/opt/push/push.sh $ci $sht(iphone_voip=>$tU)"); xlog("!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"); sl_send_reply("100", "Pushing"); }
route[JOIN] { xlog("L_WARN","[JOIN] htable key value [$sht(vtp=>id_index::$tU) -- $sht(vtp=>id_label::$tU)]\n"); t_continue("$sht(vtp=>id_index::$tU)", "$sht(vtp=>id_label::$tU)", "RESUME"); $sht(vtp=>joined::$tU) = 1; }
route[RESUME] { lookup("location"); xlog("L_INFO","[RESUME] rm=$rm ru=$ru du=$du \n"); t_relay(); $sht(vtp=>id_index::$tU) = $null; $sht(vtp=>id_label::$tU) = $null; exit; } `
Sending push notifications is about doing http requests, which can be done using http_client, http_async_client or embedded Kemi scripts (e.g., app_lua, app_puthon3, ...). Keeping the relation between calls and corresponding registrations can be done using htable and tsilo as you also added in the comments above.
If you have troubles making it working, then write to sr-users@lists.kamailio.org -- here is the place to reports bugs in the C code. I also recommend to watch the presentations from Federico Cabiddu done at Kamailio World in the past: Kamailio in a Mobile World and Thriving in a mobile world.
If you (or someone else) want to contribute a new module combining everything, then just make a pull request.
Closed #2793.