I have download the lastest version of cvs ser but I have problem installing
it as it does come in rpm or any complie format. Sorry think is a rather
stupid question. Can anyone plese kindly advise how can I install the
lastest cvs version? Thanks....
I have tried the latest nat version and complie a new nathelper.so and copy
into the usr/lib/ser/modules. But I have missing loadmodule error in my
ser.cfg file. Please advise.
Dear friends,
anyone has some experience of cisco PIX configuration with sip, I
suspect a nat problem, but i'm not sure ....
My situation:
Ser/Asterisk server on a real ip address, no firewall, open ip
Grandtream phone, real ip address
Xlite client, natted by pix with a internal/external direct conduit,
allow any rule for inside/outside connections
Tests made:
direct call
Grandstrem ---> ser ---> Xlite = ok
Xlite ---> ser ---> Grandstream = ok
ok now to the problem, I know this is a long explanation, but I badly
need help, this looks to complex for me ! :)
Grandstream calls 10, ser has this rule
if (uri=~"sip:10+@") {
t_relay_to_udp("host.domain", "5090");
call is forwarded to Asterisk, a menu is played, then an extension is
exten => *,1,Background(beep)
exten => *,2,Dial,SIP/Xliteextention@domain|30|mt
exten => *,3,Voicemail(u10)
exten => *,102,Voicemail(b10)
Xlite rings, but if I pick up calls are not connected, asterisk shows
ringing, Xlite shows Connected.
If I press Hangup on Xlite asterisk senses that and brings the
grandstream call to voicemail, I hear the voicemail prompt from
grandstream phone.
Reversing the process everithing works absolutely fine: if Xlite calls
asterisk, then a call is made to grandstream ext calls are connected.
To make some more tests I tried using a non natted xlite, it works,
that's the reason why i suspect that nat is the problem here.
Any idea ?
Best regards,
Alessio mailto:alessiof@interconnessioni.it
Having playing with for 2 weeks, I get the SER running as I want. The next
things I am trying are:
1. Run SER in chroot mode with MySQL
2. Separate SER and serweb on two servers.
With 1, I have a partially successful config. When I can start SER with
/usr/sbin/ser -u ser -g ser -t /var/ser, I got
A. positive result if the DB connection string is
B. However, if I use the DB connection string as,
"sql://ser:heslo@localhost/ser", I got the following error message:
Feb 16 19:46:09 sip /usr/sbin/ser[2452]: connect_db(): Can't connect to
local MySQL server through socket '/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock' (2)
Fair enough, coz SER is in a chroot environment and cannot stat the MySQL
UNIX socket. There is no /var/ser/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock. But, what is the
difference between localhost and here? Both should resolve back to, right? Why one use UNIX socket and the other use DOMAIN socket?
Also, should SER open the DB connection before chrooting itself?
Also, when running in chroot mode, SER cannot use DNS to resolve hostname. I
get the following errors:
Feb 16 20:19:03 sip /usr/sbin/ser[2873]: INFO: fifo process starting: 2873
Feb 16 20:19:03 sip /usr/sbin/ser[2873]: SER: open_uac_fifo: fifo server up
at /
Feb 16 21:01:13 sip /usr/sbin/ser[2867]: ERROR: mk_proxy: could not resolve
name: "iptel.org"
Feb 16 21:01:13 sip /usr/sbin/ser[2867]: ERROR: uri2proxy: bad host name in
Feb 16 21:01:13 sip /usr/sbin/ser[2867]: ERROR: t_forward_nonack: failure to
Feb 16 21:02:09 sip /usr/sbin/ser[2867]: ERROR: mk_proxy: could not resolve
name: "iptel.org"
Feb 16 21:02:09 sip /usr/sbin/ser[2867]: ERROR: uri2proxy: bad host name in
This is a result of doing INVITE sip:abcdefg@iptel.org SIP/2.0 from my
domain. If I put an entry into my chrooted /var/ser/etc/hosts, the request
goes fine. Is it because of my chroot environment (later in the mail) or I
have to compile SER in static mode?
2. Have anyone successfully put SER and serweb on different boxes? There is
no problem connecting to the DB. However, I'm not sure about the
/tmp/ser_fifo part. I'm not a programmer and can only manage to understand
php code, no programming. How do I work around the /tmp/ser_fifo when it is
on another server?
Chroot environment:
[root]# ls -lR /var/ser
total 16
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Feb 16 19:41 dev
drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4096 Feb 17 17:30 etc
drwxrwxrwx 2 root root 4096 Feb 17 17:26 tmp
total 0
srw-rw-rw- 1 root root 0 Feb 16 19:41 log
crw-rw-rw- 1 root root 1, 3 Feb 11 11:44 null
crw-r--r-- 1 root root 1, 8 Feb 11 11:45 random
crw-rw-rw- 1 root root 1, 5 Feb 11 15:16 zero
total 48
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 210 Feb 16 21:08 hosts
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 785 Feb 10 17:11 localtime
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 5834 Jul 7 2001 protocols
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 43 Feb 16 14:52 resolv.conf
total 0
prw-rw---- 1 ser ser 0 Feb 17 17:26 ser_fifo
Chroot resolv.conf:
And yes, the DNS is running on localhost and happily serving request.
Any comment?
I am working on SER and Jabber with MSN transport.
There are some problems still unresolved, one is a URI parsing problem
which I posted before as
I can not establish a communication wth MSN, but I wonder This problem
also happens with jabber user. So if there is a delimiter which is defined
as aliases (msn, jabber) in local part, the above problem happens.
But I could chat between Windows Messenger with other Jabber user. It
seems ser corrects the address.
I think the next problem is Windows Messenger side, but I would like
to know if anyone encounters this problem.
1. Windows messenger -> Message -> Jabber Messenger (other user) OK
2. Jabber Messenger -> Message -> Windows Messenger OK
3. Windows Messenger -> Message -> Jabber Messenger X
There is no output packet from Windows Messenger at 3.
Other problem is, I can not see the correct (online) status for Jabber
users through jabber and pa modules. and I found a comment in the
following mail.
It seems current pa module puts the status in the body as XML text.
U ->
NOTIFY sip: SIP/2.0..Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=
z9hG4bK32db.4e44d2c.0..To: "norika"
er.software.com>;tag=158f166cb27489bb7c6c624552186861-46b6..CSeq: 1
350..User-Agent: Sip EXpress router(0.8.12 (i386/linux))..Event:
.Content-Type: application/xpidf+xml..Subscription-State:
00....<?xml version="1.0"?>..<!DOCTYPE presence PUBLIC "//IETF//DTD
XPIDF 1.0//EN" "xpidf.dtd">..<presence>..<presentity
us status="closed"/>..</address>..</atom>..</presence>..
So Jabber side, they can read the presence status from ser with jabber
and pa modules. Is this correct in ser-0.8.12?
I downloaded unstable version of sip_router and try to run it, but it seems
new pa requires own db tables.
Does new pa module fix the above presence problem?
and is there any enhancement?
Yoshiho Yoshida
Open Technologies Corporation
Main: +81-3-5940-5798
Direct: +81-3-5940-7587
Fax: +81-3-3947-1214
I am trying the commands of the nat module in my ser.cfg but I have problem
with modparam("nathelper", "ping_nated_only", 1) and the nat_uac_test. Plese
I am a french student and i've tried to install ser on a Solaris 8. The
problem comes with the MySQL server installation ( i've downloaded
binary 4.0.17 distribution, so no compilation). When i start ser after
having modified the ser.cfg file there is a problem with
libmysqlclient.so.10 which cannot be found. I've tried to find this
library but the only one available is libmysqlclient.a .
Maybe, i should try a source distribution or i forgot executing a script
although i followed the installation process.
Another question is about PSTN gateway, i am looking forward this kind
of product the more sip-compliant and open as possible (contrary to
mediatrix solutions). What do you think about Asterisk and Digium card
or if you have any proposition...
Please help me ....
Sorry for my terrible english,
PS: french people can contact me directly to share about sip.
Hey guys, just wonderd if anybody has gotten the buddylist in MSN to
work ? so you can see who's online..
I can send messages from the web to the MSN client.. and it pups up, but
I cant get the who's online to work.
+ Atle
could you pls explain ..how are you implementing call hunting.....well i am
also implementing SER and need same feature by this time i am writning it in
module...do u have any other possibility....
>From: Matt Hess <mhess(a)livewirenet.com>
>To: serusers(a)lists.iptel.org
>Subject: [Serusers] hunt groups?
>Date: Sat, 14 Feb 2004 12:01:04 -0700
>I'm trying to do hunt groups in ser..
>I've come to the conclusion that to do multiple hunt groups I need to call
>an external script that replies with the next uri to call when it looks at
>the current one being sent to it.. ie:
>sent returned
>3039930010 3039930006
>3039930006 3039930007
>3039930007 3039930008
>3039930008 3039930006
>However on entering the failure route I have found that the current uri is
>not being updated to reflect the one it has received.. so ser keeps looping
>on the first 2 numbers in the hunt..
>here are my route blocks..
>route[2] {
> log(1, "LOG: entered hunt route");
> t_on_failure("2");
> exec_dset("/usr/local/ser/huntgroup.pl");
> append_branch();
> t_relay();
>failure_route[2] {
> log(1, "LOG: Hit failure_route 2");
> t_on_failure("2");
> exec_dset("/usr/local/ser/huntgroup.pl");
> append_branch();
> t_relay();
>so on the example above it routes to the first 06 and 07 numbers properly
>but when I would think 07 would be the uri sent to the perl script an
>environment check sees that 06 is still being sent as the $SIP_USER
>any ideas as to what I need to do?
>Serusers mailing list
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> -----Original Message-----
> From: Shirley Toh
> Sent: Monday, February 16, 2004 5:21 PM
> To: SER Users (E-mail)
> Subject: nat module
> Hi,
> I am trying the commands of the nat module in my ser.cfg but I have
> problem with modparam("nathelper", "ping_nated_only", 1) and the
> nat_uac_test. Plese advise.
> Regards,
> Shirley