Hi all,
I'm looking for a good voice recorder software (OpenSource pref.) that
can record a conversation in a phonecall. Please let me know if you have
tested one.
It looks like there is some restriction of the IP address allowed to
signIn to mediaproxy. Can this be configured or is this hardcoded?
:-D If she really is beautiful, I would take whatever she could give...
However, this one doesn't want to talk to you. You need to find some tricks.
olivier wrote:
> The beautifullest girl of the world can't give you what she doesn't
> have ;)
> Thanks anyway,
> Olivier
> Greger V. Teigre a écrit :
>> Yes, I saw that. Last time I tried, it worked. I couldn't see what
>> possibly is wrong from the output and still can't. Sorry.
>> g-)
>> olivier.taylor wrote:
>>> Hi Greger,
>>> I have tried to apply the patch to 0.9.6, see the result below :(
>>> I have downloaded the last 0.9.6.
>>> Olivier
>>> Greger V. Teigre a écrit :
>>>> The patch should work for 0.9.6. AFAIK, 0.10.x already has the
>>>> OPTIONS support.
>>>> g-)
>>>> olivier.taylor wrote:
>>>>> Hello,
>>>>> just trying to enable the ping functionality in nathelper to send
>>>>> SIP message (i.e. OPTIONS) instead of 4-byte UDP packets
>>>>> on SER 0.9.6 and 0.10.0
>>>>> as shown below, patch doesn't apply
>>>>> Is there another possibility to have this feature?
>>>>> Olivier
>>>>> patch -p1 < nathelper_ping.patch
>>>>> Hmm... Looks like a unified diff to me...
>>>>> The text leading up to this was:
>>>>> --------------------------
>>>>> |diff -Naur -x CVS nathelper/nathelper.c nathelper_ping/nathelper.c
>>>>> |--- nathelper/nathelper.c 2006-08-16 08:45:48.000000000 +0200
>>>>> |+++ nathelper_ping/nathelper.c 2006-08-10 14:54:14.000000000 +0200
>>>>> --------------------------
>>>>> Patching file nathelper.c using Plan A...
>>>>> Hunk #1 failed at 118.
>>>>> Hunk #2 failed at 172.
>>>>> Hunk #3 failed at 193.
>>>>> Hunk #4 failed at 212.
>>>>> Hunk #5 failed at 239.
>>>>> Hunk #6 failed at 257.
>>>>> Hunk #7 failed at 267.
>>>>> Hunk #8 failed at 276.
>>>>> Hunk #9 failed at 320.
>>>>> Hunk #10 failed at 367.
>>>>> Hunk #11 failed at 1543.
>>>>> 11 out of 11 hunks failed--saving rejects to nathelper.c.rej
>>>>> Hmm... The next patch looks like a unified diff to me...
>>>>> T
>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>> Serusers mailing list
>>>>> Serusers(a)lists.iptel.org
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Hi guys,
I'd like to propose another possibility for a highly-available and
scalable system design based on SER:
The problems I've encountered for scalable systems are:
- Distribution of the user location and alias location among the nodes
(user location is based on registrations, alias location comes from
web interfaces and is used for call forwarding).
- Reloading up to date location tables after breakdown and recovery of a
So I'm just thinking loud about the following provisioning system:
- Write a client which fulfills the this demands:
- Receive one or more locations from SER via a SER module or from a
web application and distribute them to other
known clients. Take care of retransmissions if a client isn't
reachable or reports a temporary failure.
- Receive one or more locations from other clients and write
them into the SER FIFO. If writing into the FIFO fails, try to
write directly into the database (location-table, alias-table etc.).
Report a temporary failure if this also fails.
Maybe a centralized server should be used which receives the locations
from the clients and distributes them to other clients, so that the
nodes just know about the server and nothing about other nodes. This
would make integration of new nodes easy.
On the other hand, it's another single point of failure, so a
decentralized solution should be considered. But that would mean that
you've to inform every node about the existence of a new node.
The protocol used between the nodes should be simple and fast. So I
think SOAP drops out here. Maybe XMLRPC or ICE
(http://www.zeroc.com/ice.html) could be used.
One might think now why not just use replication on SIP layer, but
t_replicate only supports one peer and you've no possibility to get
locations on a node while it's down. Replication of other location
tables like the alias-table is also not possible.
I'd be willing to release these parts as GPL for creating an open
framework for carrier-grade SER integration, so any feedback,
improvements or flames are highly welcome.
I just noticed that my SIP phone sends authentication credentials for
ACK and BYE in a session where the INVITE required authentication credentials.
I recognize this as a good thing... but it also surprised me.
Currently, I don't handle it in my openser.cfg... I neither ask
for the credentials nor do I strip them off before passing the
message down the line... other than for INVITE.
I'm going to correct this in my config, and I thought it worth
mentioning for others just in case others also hadn't considered it.
Hi All
I hope someone can point me in the right direction or just give me a hint.
I have the following route in ser.cfg and it works great. All I would like
to do is change it so it matches on any number that starts with 002
regardless of length not just 12 more digits or a fixed length.
I tried
but it didn't work
just trying to enable the ping functionality in nathelper to send SIP
message (i.e. OPTIONS) instead of 4-byte UDP packets
on SER 0.9.6 and 0.10.0
as shown below, patch doesn't apply
Is there another possibility to have this feature?
patch -p1 < nathelper_ping.patch
Hmm... Looks like a unified diff to me...
The text leading up to this was:
|diff -Naur -x CVS nathelper/nathelper.c nathelper_ping/nathelper.c
|--- nathelper/nathelper.c 2006-08-16 08:45:48.000000000 +0200
|+++ nathelper_ping/nathelper.c 2006-08-10 14:54:14.000000000 +0200
Patching file nathelper.c using Plan A...
Hunk #1 failed at 118.
Hunk #2 failed at 172.
Hunk #3 failed at 193.
Hunk #4 failed at 212.
Hunk #5 failed at 239.
Hunk #6 failed at 257.
Hunk #7 failed at 267.
Hunk #8 failed at 276.
Hunk #9 failed at 320.
Hunk #10 failed at 367.
Hunk #11 failed at 1543.
11 out of 11 hunks failed--saving rejects to nathelper.c.rej
Hmm... The next patch looks like a unified diff to me...
Hi all,
In an environment where the same user can be registered at the same time
in multiple phones, how may I restrict users to only be able to make one
call simultaneously? I mean... only make other call after hanging up the
last one, never simultaneously made from different phones.
How may I implement that?