I was looking at the pua_reginfo to make multiple instances of Kamailio be aware of registered users on the network.
I'm experimenting with pua_reginfo with Kamailio 3.2.2. I've used the configuration as described in http://kamailio.org/docs/modules/3.2.x/modules_k/pua_reginfo.html#id2551427
I tried an trial run of the Kamailio instance and it gives the following output
PUBLISH sip:@ SIP/2.0
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bKb62c.b8e3d5b5.0
To: sip:@
From: sip:@;tag=533cb9e91f4b999cf76861cbb9ed54ed-e085
Call-ID: 17dedfff-14418(a)
Content-Length: 320
Max-Forwards: 70
Event: reg
Expires: 3601
Content-Type: application/reginfo+xml
<reginfo xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:reginfo" version="0" state="full">
<registration aor="sip:@" id="0xb6ef7740" state="active">
<contact id="0xb4d1f820" state="active" event="registered" expires="60" callid="ZmRjZDg3MmIxMjI5NmU1OWU0YjJlYWUzYzhjZDViM2I." cseq="2">
The PUA module does not insert username in the Request, To and From headers while publishing for Event: reg. The xml payload is right but the "aor" does not have the username.
Is there anything missing that I need to configure?
Lastly, the presence module in the same Kamailio instance is generating "478 Unresolvable destination" for this message.
Gnaneshwar Gatla | InTouch Health | Software Developer
6330 Hollister Ave. Goleta CA, 93117 | P: 805.562.8686 ext: 199
Hello List,
I am trying to incorporate an existing LDAP directory with our Kamailio
installation for SIP authentication. A good friend suggested to checkout
this tutorial and adapt it to fit my needs (and current version)
It seems like the AUTH module does not contain the function username_spec
(which I believe is not used anymore) but the username_avp_spec which is
not part of the AUTH module but the H350 module
I enabled the h350 module and tried setting the params as described in the
modparam("auth", "username_spec", "$avp(s:username)")
modparam("auth", "password_spec", "$avp(s:password)")
modparam("auth", "calculate_ha1", 1)
I got the following error after checking the configuration:
ERROR: <core> [modparam.c:151]: set_mod_param_regex: parameter
<username_spec> not found in module <auth>
I am running kamailio 3.2.3 (i386/linux) Ubuntu
Thank you in advance!
for the following sdp content i'm getting error.
o=rushi 602301 603670 IN IP4
t=0 0
m=audio 8192 RTP/AVP 5 0 3
can you give correction or sample sdp string.
I was able to send MESSAGE using xmlrpc (mi and t_uac_dlg) I got the 200 OK
response to the message.
However, when I try to send NOTIFY, I receive HTTP response but with empty
Is NOTIFY not suppored by t_uac_dlg?
Krish Kura
User-Agent: ruby-sip-client
Content-Type: text/xml
Connection: keep-alive
Content-Length: 650
<?xml version="1.0"
To: <sip:kkurapati_staff_test@>
Max-Forwards: 70
Call-ID: e3f15b5dc200234cff2c7b648d79c49f(a)
T 2012/04/27 14:39:11.579281 -> [AP]
HTTP/1.0 200 OK.
Via: SIP/2.0/TCP
Server: kamailio (3.3.0-dev7 (x86_64/linux)).
Content-Length: 137.
<?xml version="1.0"?>
Hi, I'm using Siremis 3.2 ans Kamailio 3.2.3 for my final project of my
bachloor degree
I would like to know how Siremis and Kamailio work together? Like:
If I decide to set a protocol in the acl trusted in Siremis like TLS, ok,
it works well !!
But I need to know the different links between siremis and kamailio to
working well.. Why?
Cause I need to implement in Siremis a filter form on the sdpops module,
and it has to work well of course with the database of ser!
So.. What are the different steps to do this?
- Create new table sdpops in ser
- create the form in siremis and view ..
- what in kamailio.cfg??
I found this: http://kb.asipto.com/siremis:install32x:new-views
OK, but in my case, I need to do that for SDPOPS, which is a module of
kamailio, whithout any table and components about!
I mean, there is no openser.sdpops in the database of kamailio, so create
the table ok.. but what are the columns, datas, to set in ??
cause I tried php gen_meta.php Serdb sdpops ser.acl.sdpops of course it
does not work --> no openser.sdpops ......
thx in advance for your help
Best regards
*Grégoire Vandendeurpel, *
*IT Sector*
the SIP Express Media Server project happily announces the
availability of the SEMS 1.4.3 release.
This is a SEMS 1.4 series bugfix release and should be a drop-in
replacement to 1.4 installations. For details of the changes see the
changelog at
Please find sources at
binary packages in the usual locations soon, and all documentation and
links at
If you are using custom applications which create outbound calls,
please specifically test the behavior with the commit
26fdaa8e b/f: stopping failed outbound calls
Many thanks to everyone who contributed with issue reports and patches!
Best Regards
Stefan Sayer
SEMS - E stands for Express!
Hello there,
I've installing the Siremis 3.2 on a linux that installed Kamailio 3.2.
When i'll try to access everything in SER Menu, i'm getting a error messages that tell me about the table in OPENSER database is missing or can't located. But this is a fresh installed Siremis system.
Where i can found the openser database stucture so i can build them again?
Best Regards,
Rudi Kusnaka
I've setup a siremis installation using Mysql for the siremis tables.
Kamailio is installed with postgresql on another machine.
I selected Postgresql in seremis setup under SIP DB and correctly inserted
the right username/password/host. Connection was successful.
I can login to Siremis (ver 3.2.0) and access the Admin menu successfully.
However when I access the Ser Menu, all the options give errors:
For example, trying to to select Server Services, Domain List gives the
following errors:
[2012-04-05 18:11:36 (GMT)] An exception occurred while executing this
Error message: #256, Unable to location template file
Script name and line number of error:
*function:* errorHandler ( 256, "Unable to location template file
"/usr/local/siremis-3.2.0/openbiz/bin/Resource.php", 283, Array(11) ) @
/usr/local/siremis-3.2.0/openbiz/bin/sysheader.inc 117
*function:* userErrorHandler ( 256, "Unable to location template file
"/usr/local/siremis-3.2.0/openbiz/bin/Resource.php", 283, Array(11) ) @
*function:* trigger_error ( "Unable to location template file
system_internal_error.tpl.", 256 ) @
/usr/local/siremis-3.2.0/openbiz/bin/Resource.php 283
*function:* getTplFileWithPath ( "system_internal_error.tpl", "email" ) @
/usr/local/siremis-3.2.0/openbiz/bin/BizSystem.php 544
*function:* getTplFileWithPath ( "system_internal_error.tpl", "email" ) @
/usr/local/siremis-3.2.0/siremis/modules/service/userEmailService.php 108
*function:* SystemInternalErrorEmail ( Array(2), Null ) @
/usr/local/siremis-3.2.0/siremis/modules/common/form/ErrorForm.php 34
*function:* Report ( ) @
/usr/local/siremis-3.2.0/openbiz/bin/BizController.php 310
*function:* invoke ( ) @
/usr/local/siremis-3.2.0/openbiz/bin/BizController.php 110
*function:* dispatchRequest ( ) @
/usr/local/siremis-3.2.0/openbiz/bin/BizController.php 32
*function:* include_once (
"/usr/local/siremis-3.2.0/openbiz/bin/BizController.php" ) @
/usr/local/siremis-3.2.0/siremis/bin/controller.php 6
Similarly. the all the other optiones under the Ser Menu give errors.
My Config.xml (passwords and IPs modified) follows:
<?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?>
<Database Name="Default" Driver="Pdo_Mysql" Server="localhost"
Port="3306" DB
Name="siremis" User="siremis" Password="siremisrw" Charset="utf8"/>
<Database Name="Serdb" Driver="Pdo_Pgsql" Server="x.x.x.x" Port="5432"
DBName="dbname" User="dbuser" Password="123456" Charset="utf8"/>
Please advise.
Many thanks
Hi, I have a problem making some changes on siremis front-end
everything was ok except when I try to add a field to upload a file
I got this error:
#2, fopen(ejemplo.csv): failed to open stream: No such file or directory
could anybody help me please? :)
Mi configuration:
<BizField Name="batch_file" Column="batch_file" Length="64" Required="N"
<Element Name="fld_batch_file" Class="File" FieldName="batch_file"
Label="File (.csv)" AllowURLParam="N"/>
public function InsertRecord($recArr)
return parent::InsertRecord($recArr);
mysql> desc batch_provision;
| Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| id | int(11) | NO | PRI | NULL | auto_increment |
| batch_file | blob | YES | | NULL | |
2 rows in set (0.02 sec)
Thanks in advance.
Jesús Pérez
VoIP Engineer at Quobis
Fixed: +34 902 999 465
Site: http://www.quobis.com